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Photonic polarization makes it possible to make the next-generation quantum computers.

The term polarization means that the layer filters some wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. That effect is used in sunglasses, where small grooves filter things like UV radiation away. So what those grooves are making? They just capture those wavelengths and that denies things like UV radiation reach the eye. 

So that thing can be the revolution in quantum computers. The quantum computer can load information to the photon cloud. And each wavelength or energy layer transports a certain layer of the data. 

The photonic polarization makes it possible that when the cloud of qubits is shot against the layer certain areas are trapping photons. That has a certain energy level. So in that system, the qubit can be the large number of photons that are loaded with information. 

Every single part of the electromagnetic spectrum is a certain energy level of photons. And that means every single wavelength or color in the spectrum can transfrom to the state of the qubit. In that model, the line of lasers that are using different colors can form the qubit. 

Those small stripes or grooves are also used in the system called a grid. In astronomy, grids are used to turn white light into a spectrum. The photonic or photon polarization means that single photons can filter from the radiation or photon cloud. 

The idea of cloud-based qubits is that the data traves the photon (or electron) cloud. In that qubit, every individual photon is transporting only one part of information. So the photons are single-state qubits. And every individual photon is a certain state of the qubit. The data that is loaded to photons might involve two parts. 

The serial number of the qubit and data. The quantum system will connect those data bites by using serial numbers. And the system knows that qubit layer number one transport the first bite of the information. Then the system connects bite number two etc. after that first bite of information. And if something is missing the system asks to resend that information. 

The error correction of those qubits can be easy. The data can involve the serial number of the qubit and the data part. First, the system sends the number of qubits that carry information. Then the system just calculates qubits that are received. Then it sees something missing. If there are missing qubits the system can ask to resend the data package. The serial number of the qubit makes it possible to remove the qubits that were received. 

Then the system can start to process the received information. And send the received data back to the sender. Sender checks if that information is matching with the sent information. 

The idea is that all photons have individual energy levels. And every part or state of data is loaded to photons by using individual wavelengths. If the system can trap the photons by using their energy level that thing makes it possible to transport data by using systems that can resist things like gravitation waves. 

If every photon has a certain energy level that helps the system sort those photons easily. And transfer their data forward. The photonic polarization helps to separate data from the qubits.



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