Researchers found the genomes that are controlling our senses. Or they found the genetic origin of our senses. That thing gives information on how our sensory cells and neurons that control our senses are forming. And that thing can use to make organisms like bacteria that are following images even from the computer screens.
The things like genome tests are opening the road to a new type of diagnosis. Things like sensory hypersensitivity along with ADHD are the reason for genomes. That means those things can detect in genetic tests. And things like therapy can begin at an early age. And of course, if the sensory hypersensitivity is in an audition that kind of person can use earplugs.
Those genomes are opening fascinating ideas for developing artificial species that have no certain senses. The ability to connect genomes between species is making it possible to create new species. The ability to connect genomes makes it possible to create the bacteria chains. That are following certain images. This thing makes it possible to create bacteria that can capture images from the computer screen in physical form.
The idea is that the bacteria chain will put itself over certain images. And if it can see those things it can connect also virtual images to nutrients. Those bacteria can be fluorescence. And that means they can detect by stressing them with UV light. Or the small amoeba that detects the letters by using eyesight can drop fluorescence chemical to the point of letters that it sees on the computer screen.
If we can create the bacteria line that follows the image. That thing makes it possible to capture images from computer screens in physical form. This thing requires that the bacteria can connect the image to the food. And that's why that bacteria chain can have the basil with cloned neuron as the locomotive. And then the basil makes the daughter calls that it drops at a certain point.
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