Saturday, June 4, 2022

Decoy-effect: how do marketing specialists make people see what they want?

In marketing texts, the first image is important. That thing wakes people's interest. And makes a person want to open the marketing material. The main problem with the marketing material is simple. How to make people look at them? And how to make them buy the products that are maximizing the profit. 

So the first image wakes up interest. But also, the last image, and last words have an important role. They are the things that remain in memory. 

One thing that marketing people use when they manipulate our senses is the so-called decoy effect. The decoy effect means. That a certain product in the line raised above others.

Marketing people can make that thing by spotting light on that product. Like in the image above this text. The light is spotted at the door in the middle of the row. And that makes it easier to find. The person would choose that door where is light above it rather than other doors. 

The second image is a series of coffee cups. The last one is the largest. And the idea is that when the person sees the last cup. The image of the largest cup remains in mind. And brains believe that the price per liter is lower in the largest cup in the series. 

The last thing in the line is the largest cup. And that adjusts the brain to think about the last thing in the line. The customer says easily the "large cup". 

One of the versions of the decoy effect is the series of prices. 

Product A: Price 1,50 and quality rate 40%

Product B: Price 5,60 and quality rate 90%

The idea is that person buys a quality. Quality is the thing that concerns everybody. 

But what if the product is something like beer or ice cream? 

This example is straight from ScitechDaily. 

Beer A, which costs $1.80 and has a quality rating of 50

Beer B, which costs $2.60 and has a quality rating of 70

Could there be the bad beer? The idea is that the people are starting to look at the last numbers. And they will pay the extra price for the quality. 


Product A: Price 1,50 and quality 40%

Product B: Price 3,50 and quality 80% and the limited edition

(ScitechDaily/The Decoy Effect: What It Is and How to Make It Work for You)

When deciding between multiple choices of products or services, being aware of the decoy effect could help you make better choices. (ScitechDaily/When deciding between multiple choices of products or services, being aware of the decoy effect could help you make better choices)

The idea of those prices is to make people think that they must be hurry if they want to try that special product. 

The last thing is important. That thing remains in the mind of the lead. The last thing also wipes other memories out of the mind. So the person sees the quality in the last. And people want to buy high-quality products. The thing is that brains forget that the high quality of those products costs money. The higher price means many times good quality. 

Western people normally read from left to right and the last thing that person sees is the largest cup. So when a person goes to cash the thing that comes to mind is the large coffee. When some option is above others. That makes it seem better. The purpose of the decoy effect is to put people to see things that the marketer wants.

Images: )

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