Monday, June 27, 2022

Chinese scientists created a brain scale model by using 174 trillion parameters.

This type of artificial intelligence is one of the biggest steps in computing. And that thing can have a bigger effect than people ever think. We always believed that computers cannot fully emulate human brains, because we have over 100 billion neurons. And each neuron has about 3 connections. Brins have 300 billion neuron states. In real life, neurons have much more connections than just 3. One neuron can have even hundreds of connections. And the number one is only for the calculative reasons. 

The neuron connections play a big role when neurons interconnect their information. Each neuron in our body can model to parameters. And that means the artificial brains can be real sooner than we ever think.

The very large, size of networking and many connections are making it possible. That neurons can interconnect with each other. So they can reconnect their information in multiple ways. And that means the person has much more neural space than the number of neurons. The ability to interconnect information creates virtual neurons in the human brain. That means the brain can have more than 300 billion neural states. The neuron has so many states as it has connections. 

That information contains the skills that we all have. Sometimes there is told that human brains have 300 billion neurons. That's the number of neurons in the entire human nervous system. The reason why I use the number 300 billion is that the role of the neurons in human life is also very big. 

Things like the spinal cord also play a big role in reflexes. We can learn any kind of movement series and store that thing in our spinal cord. That thing happens when the person just repeats the movements many times. The movement series can be the karate kick. Or it can be the movement series that is used for clock making. 

And another thing is that we know that in the thinking process also neurons. Outside human brains interact with brains. And their role in abstract thinking is a mystery. But we know that things like being hungry can suspend when a person feels that something that is happening is more important than eating. That thing is what we see when we are looking at people who have a great passion for their work. Sometimes people like painters are forgetting to eat and drink. And they fall to the ground. 

That thing tells us that there is the possibility that this thing tells that also other parts of the nervous system are playing a bigger role in thinking and creation than we ever expected. The reason why those people forget to eat and drink can be the reason that those neurons that normally handle things like hunger and thirst are doing some other actions. 

The AI of tomorrow can have imagination. 

-Real observation is the same as observing the real and concrete information. 

-Imagination is handling virtual information. 

-Productive thinking is connecting virtual information with real information. 

The imagination can describe as an ability to interconnect databases that involve virtual information. Productive thinking means the ability to connect real data with virtual data. The ability to interconnect the memories from the neurons is making the virtual creatures in the human brain. 

So we can think that imagination is a distortion of the information that is stored in human brains. When we are thinking about the bird, we must understand that different neurons are handling certain parts of the image of the bird. That means the neuron that is handling the image of the body can connect the image of the box to that image. And that means the brains have an image of the bird. 

That has the box in the place of the head. That thing happens by connecting two images. If that thing seems interesting or important brains can reserve a new memory block for that virtual image which is called the product of the information. 

But let's go back to the algorithms. 

The human nervous system doesn't use all neurons at the same time for one purpose. Some neurons are reserved for replacing the destroyed neurons. But the problem with brain damage is that memory marks that are stored in those cells are gone forever. 

When our brains are working with some problems the other part of the nervous system is handling other things. That means we can make an algorithm that can learn some special things faster than humans. By using AI and quantum computers is possible to create an AI program that has 300 billion data handling units. And maybe the AI of tomorrow can have an imagination. 

The imagination can describe as connecting virtual information to one entirety. So in fact, we can make a computer or program that has imagination simply by using the databases that involve virtual information. This is one version to make a machine that has imagination. AI imagines that it can connect real and virtual data.

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