Thursday, June 9, 2022

Artificial intelligence can make the diagnosis.

Artificial intelligence can make the diagnosis. But it can also find the things like genetic disorders that predispose things like dangerous immune defense over-reaction. 

Artificial intelligence can make a diagnosis. The AI can search for things like anomalies in the structure of the tissue. It can compare differences in many separate X-ray images and see changes in brains. Things like changes in the brain structure can tell about Alzheimer's disease or cancer. Artificial intelligence can search and connect many types of data. 

Artificial intelligence can make a connection can one individual case. Or artificial intelligence can compare multiple different cases. 

It can compare blood analysis. And also the AI can check what kind of nutrients people who have some diseases are eaten. The system can also check the use of drugs and how often a person uses alcohol. Artificial intelligence searches for common and simultaneously repeating details in the diseases. 

The system can track the origin of the things like meat and what people are eaten if they have some disease. The thing is that the AI can search billions of details from the individual cells of the person to the social relationships and way of life of those people. 

The AI can compare the DNA sequences of the people who have some symptoms. There is the possibility that immune over-reaction causes death in some cases. 

There is always the possibility that a genetic disorder causes the situation that the normal disease is deadly to some other people. Or there is the possibility that a genetic disorder causes a deadly allergic reaction. One of those cases is immune over-reaction to the bees and wasp's poison. 

That thing means. That even if the normal person can tolerate a single sting of those bugs there are people whose immune system over-reacts to that poison and causes deadly immune shock. Things like chocolate can also cause immune shock to over-reacting people. Normally those allergies cause itching. But in some cases, the immune shock would cause death.

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