From Oracles to modern days the predictors are making their predictions by collecting data from the environment. Travelers reports are transforming to the internet. But the method of the prediction is always the same. The information is used as a matrix, and then the predictor searches for similar things from history. If some kind of thing caused war many times. The predictor will calculate the probability of war. And that thing is one of the most useful ways to make predictions. If a similar situation caused the war 7 times out of 10, the probability of war is 70%.
The things that predictor must notice are: (at least)
-Political environment on both sides.
-Economic situation.
-Health care.
-Public services
The reason for war might be very simple. The public attention wanted to turn away from some things like corruption or internal problems. If the government is very authoritarian. The outside enemy gives an excuse for censorship and crushes the opposition.
The bad economics can be the reason for military action because the government might want to make sure that other actors are buying their products. Also, corruption and bad public services are the reason that can cause internal disorders. If the government crushes demonstrations it might need some outside enemy for turning attention from it.
The reason why I took the war as an example in this text is that thing is total. And it's a clear thing. Things like organized crime can also cause war. In some cases, the criminals make an attentate and then find protection from another country.
Then the chain reaction where other country starts to blame their neighbor for protecting criminals causes the war. That case can be real if another state is more powerful than another, and that thing can encourage the more powerful government to decide to start the actions against the weaker part of the conflict.
Oracles and the DMT (N, N-Dimethyltryptamine)
This part of the article bases the idea that Greeks believed in those oracles and that means there must be something that makes those people believe those things.
When we think that Oracle smelled narcotic smoke before the prediction there must be some purpose for that thing. Maybe the hallucinations made those predictors say something that could interpret as a prediction but there is the possibility that those predictions were so common that they could fit many situations.
There is some kind of claims that the drug called DMT that our nervous system creates an open gate to the "other world". Somebody says that the DMT is just offering the excuse to think freely. And that drug is used for the same reason as "Absinth" or LSD. When we are looking at the image of Sibyl the famous Greek predictor the woman seems to look at the smoke there is narcotic smoke.
There is the possibility that she looks at the mercury plate. There is a small possibility that the mercury vapor makes the antenna between the smell coil and that plate.
And if we want to be very free thinkers we might think that there is forming a weak electromagnetic bridge between the pineal gland and that mercury. Maybe DMT plays some kind of role in this kind of thing so does the DMT open the senses to another dimension? The fact is that this kind of thing is not scientifically proven. And could there even be another dimension?
Could there be another invisible world?
In brane theory, there might be branes in horizontal and vertical directions. The vertical branes mean. The energy level of the material turns so high that we cannot see it. The vertical brane means that there can be many particles that are sending wave motion that we cannot see because that wave motion has a very short or long wavelength. The things like gravitation waves are proven that maybe there are particles that we cannot see even in our third dimension.
If we are thinking of brane theory where dimensions are the certain energy levels we can think that there are also branes in the horizontal direction. That means there can be words that we cannot see because the particles of those worlds have a different size than the particles that we can see. ',N-Dimethyltryptamine
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