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Use of the AI for speeding of computing. And AI-based computer-program code's error correction.

There is possible to make error-correction in the programming languages very easily by benefiting the AI and network-based technology. When the computer program will make contact with databases. It requires the paths where to find those databases. So there is possible that the programmer will set paths to the needed database in the programming editor before the programming starts. 

That programmer can make a macro by using the form that can call by giving a certain command. That macro can bring all databases in the form of a list to the screen. And there can be a description of what each database is doing. That the macro will put the paths of the databases in the wanted point. So the programmer can simply select the right database from the list and the program makes the paths. 

Another thing is that AI can make it possible to use descriptions. If a programmer forgets how to make input-output syntax by using the C- or some other programming language that person must simply write "take input and output syntax between interface and database 'x'". That means that the programmer's time would not go for finding paths or some commands. 

When we are thinking about network-based solutions for the program the modular program is the key to making the new and effective programs faster. On the server can be stored the modules where is a description of what those modules are doing. Then the programmer must just tell the computer what the program should do. And then the AI will collect certain elements in their entirety. After that, the programmer can make cosmetic changes in the code like replacing some images, or something like that. 

When the program is running the workstation can send the code that should drive to the server. And in this point server checks if the code is damaged. And do the bits and the length of the program match with the code in the hard disk. So the system compares two codes. And then it will check things like user permissions. 

The new technology is making it possible to drive computer programs faster than ever before. That cloud-based system makes it possible to share the program code between microprocessors and computers through the internet. The idea is taken from the animation programs from the early 21 st century. Those systems shared the code between multiple processors and made it possible to make complicated animations by using home computers. 

In that AI-based system, the computer program is cut into segments like in the TCP/IP protocol. Each segment has a serial number. The system observes how often the system needs hose segments or modules. And if the system doesn't use some segment for a while. It removes that segment from the RAM and stores it on the hard disk. 

(Segment 1)(Segment 2)(Segment 3) (Segment 4)... .

The AI-based operating systems make it possible. The program code can travel through the hard disks when the program is running. That means the system can remove unnecessary parts of the code from RAM. When they are not needed. In that model, the AI keeps a book on how often the system uses a certain part of the program. And if that part is not needed that thing can be written to a hard disk waiting for recall. 

In modern systems, the computer program can crush into small pieces. And then each processor will handle an individual part of that data. The idea is that every piece of code is equipped with code that helps to break it into pieces and then reconnect those pieces to one entirety. That kind of technology makes it possible to drive complicated AI code by using limited computing power. This kind of system is necessary for the things like drone swarms.


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