Image 1) "Origin of Life” artist’s concept. (ScitechDaily/Incredible Virus Discovery Offers Clues About the Origins of Complex Life)
The new virus renews our understanding of the origin of life.
This virus can be the key to solving questions when eukaryotic bacteria are born. The first bacteria that were born on Earth were prokaryotes. They had no nucleus. Then some kind of mutation made the nucleus in those cells. The nucleus protects the DNA against electromagnetic radiation. And that thing was a fundamental advantage.
The order of born of life:
1) First-born organisms were prokaryotic cells. The very first cells got their energy from the volcanic heat. For being real cells. Those primitive cells required mitochondria and cell organelles that made the membrane for those cells. In history, mitochondria have been independent organisms.
Today mitochondria live in symbiosis with all cells with an internal power source. The cell is delivering sugars to mitochondria that are giving energy to it.
2) Then born viruses. The viruses might advance from the DNA bites of those prokaryotes. Some people think that viruses were unsuccessfully split bacteria. They had protein-membrane and DNA (or RNA) but no other cell organelles.
3) The viruses connected their genome to the prokaryote. And that thing made it possible to make eukaryotes. Cells with a nucleus, cell organelles, and cell membrane.
There is suspicion or hypothesis. That some viruses slip into the prokaryotic bacteria. Then that virus connected the DNA (or RNA) of that bacteria to itself. The eukaryote required two genomes. The first is how to make a cell membrane. And how to make a nucleus structure in the cell. The cell must also have cell organelles that are giving energy to it and make the protein membrane for the cell. That kind of ability is very interesting because it opens new roads in genetic engineering.
Image 2A) Simplified structure of a mitochondrion (Wikipedia/Eukaryote)
Image 2B) The endomembrane system and its components ((Wikipedia/Eukaryote)
Image 2C) Diagram of a typical prokaryotic cell (Wikipedia/Prokaryote)
Cancer vaccines
Cancer vaccines are vaccines whose principle is the same as other vaccines. The idea is that the immune system detects cancer cells and destroys them. The customized cancer vaccines made separately for each individual are easy to make by using the person's tumor cells. Or if the person would not have a tumor the person's cells can turn into cancer cells by using radioactive stress.
Then developers must kill those cells and separate the membrane proteins from the cells. And then those proteins will just inject into the person. That thing makes it possible to create a preventing cure for cancer. And that thing might save many lives and save lots of money. The cancer vaccines are the thing that can be very revolutionary.
DNA-based mimicks of cytoskeletal filaments for reversible assembly and cargo transport. Credit: University of Stuttgart and Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research ( step toward synthetic cells)
Artificial cells can use to give genome therapy.
Biotechnology allows to making of artificial cells. Those cells can use in bio or nanotechnology. If the artificial bacteria can change the genomes from the cells. That thing can use to give genome therapy. The idea is that the bacteria will destroy the genome of targeted cells. And then bacteria can inject another DNA into the cell.
This is one version of how the new biotechnology can bring fundamental things to our life. If we are thinking about the controlled evolution there is the possibility that in the future. Researchers are transferring the genome that allows some mammals to live in the desert without water to humans. That thing makes it possible to make humans that must not drink so often.
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