The AI is a suitable tool to make astronomical discoveries. All objects in the universe are following the laws of physics. And things like dangerous asteroids can search by using AI-boosted telescopes. The AI is an excellent tool for searching for changes from the images taken during certain periods. The AI can see if some point is moved. And that is the mark of the new asteroid or even planet. The AI can search thousands of objects.
And that makes it an ultimate tool for astronomers. Searching new planet is not very dramatic. Astronomers are just looking at the points in two images taken in a certain period. And if one of those points is moved there could be the planet or dwarf planet or asteroid. That work is very boring. And it can leave to the AI.
The AI can search for changes in those points and then check from the database. If there is some asteroid in that trajectory. Then the AI can take an image of that asteroid and compare it with images of known asteroids. That thing makes it possible to compare those images by using face recognition software. And that thing can tell if there is a similar asteroid in the database. The fact is that there could be many dwarf planets and asteroids that have the same trajectory.
Physics is one thing that can be useful for AI that should make discoveries. Physics and mathematics are things there are strict rules. And that thing is necessary when researchers are making the AI that can make discoveries. Things like Kepler radius are always the same. And the Kepler radius depends on the size of the star. These kinds of things are the tools that AI needs to find new planetary systems.
The problem with new astronomical tools like JWST-telescopes is that they send very big data mass. And that data mass requires analysis. Finding planetary systems and exoplanets is quite boring work. The system must wait that the planet will travel between Earth and a distant star. And then the research team must search for changes in the star's brightness.
This kind of method is useful. But it requires intensive measurements and a little bit of luck that the astronomers can notice the changes in the brightness.
To observe changes in the star's brightness. The telescope must keep aimed at that star all the time when the planet makes its overpass. This is why the most exoplanet systems are orbiting red dwarfs. The orbit time of those planets is only a couple of days. And all the time when the telescope is aimed at a certain star. It is reserved. And out of other work.
Red dwarfs are so small that planets are causing wobbling in their trajectory. And that's a good hint for astronomers. But if we want to search for habitable planets we must realize that those planets are orbiting very far away from very massive yellow stars that are giants to red dwarfs. Even our entire solar system doesn't have a big effect on the trajectory of the sun.
Planets of red dwarfs are cold or they are locked. But if we want to search for planets that are orbiting yellow stars like our sun in its habitable zone we are facing one problem. The planet's overpass takes longer. And there is the possibility that the trajectory of that planet is askew that planet will not cross the plate of the star.
That kind of planet requires more intensive work. AI is a very suitable tool to hunt planets. It can measure the changes in the brightness and changes in the dust disk around stars. Those deifications are suitable to find exoplanets from around young stars.
The problem with hypothetical technical civilizations is that they are living on very mature planets. Mature planetary systems are cleaned from dust and ice. And that means finding those really interesting planets requires something else than searching for densification from the dust and ice.
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