Image 1:) "A knot traced on the surface of a two-holed torus creates two complementary Seifert surfaces, shown here in pink and purple.
Source: Kyle Hayden, Seungwon Kim, Maggie Miller, Junghwan Park, and Isaac Sundberg". (Quanta Magazine/Surfaces So Different Even a Fourth Dimension Can’t Make Them the Same)
Is a black hole similar to an electron-hole but more powerful?
At the beginning of this text is the image. That portrays the Seifert surfaces or Seifert layers. The Seifert layer can change information between its layers by using tensors. So the "8" shaped Seifert layer can portray the quantum entanglement and the tensors that are like sticks. That is connecting the Seifert layers. In this text, the Seifert surface and Seifert layer mean the same thing.
Seifert's surface demonstrates the situation where the information between the layers cannot transmit even if those layers are in the same system. That means those layers are in the same system but the observer cannot see them at the same time otherwise than stepping out of that system.
Seifert layer that has an "8" form. That layer could introduce the model of the black hole pair. The Seifert layers cannot transform into each other. But if there are the sticks or tensors they can transmit information through those tensors that are connecting those layers.
So every dimension is like the Seifert layer. And that makes them very hard to model. Two black holes can transmit information between each other if they make that thing in the fourth dimension.
Image 3:)"These Seifert surfaces, formed from the same knot, cannot be transformed into each other in either three or four dimensions. Source: Kyle Hayden, Seungwon Kim, Maggie Miller, Junghwan Park, and Isaac Sundberg". (Quanta Magazine/Surfaces So Different Even a Fourth Dimension Can’t Make Them the Same)
The fact is that the black holes can have more than two states. The black holes can have different energy levels. And they can form a two-way superposition. The idea is that the first black hole can be at a higher energy level in the third dimension. But the second black hole can be at a higher energy level in the fourth dimension.
So energy can travel from the first black hole to the second black hole in the third dimension. But it can travel backward in the fourth dimension. The idea of this model is that black holes are like mountains. The diameter of the first mountain at sea level can be larger than the second mountain. But the second mountain is higher than the first mountain. So in the fourth dimension, the energy flows to the lower pike. And in the third dimension, the energy travels from a larger area to a smaller area.
This means that Hawking radiation is the radiation that releases when particles are dropping from the fourth dimension to the third dimension. This happens when the higher black hole sends particle that drops to the lower black hole. When those particles are materializing in the black hole it causes wave motion in the material to whirl inside it.
And that wave pushes energy out from the event horizon. When some particle is near the event horizon it can form the quantum entanglement with other particles and send photons away from the black hole.
Is gravitation the "cold area" in the universe? In that idea, the wave motion that travels to the low energy area pushes the objects in that "cold area".
Is gravitation the virtual force anyway? When we are looking at the black holes we are seeing that things are very much like the electron hole that forms when the electron's energy level is rising higher than the environment. At that point, the electron-hole is like a shadow. And that makes electricity move in the wire.
We can think that electromagnetic fields or quantum fields are like temperature. Particles are forming "shadows" at the point where they are. And that shadow causes that energy is trying to flow to that shadow. The thing that supports this model is that the thick objects are heavier than the thin objects. A stronger "shadow" causes that energy or wave motion is falling at that lower energy point.
And that means the gravitation could act like a vacuum or low-pressure chamber. The radiation that comes behind an object pushes the object to the gravitational center. In low-pressure chambers, the higher pressure will push the object in that chamber. And maybe the gravitation acts the same way.
The idea of the black hole is that it's the object that pulls everything including light in it. But is the black hole only the extreme shadow that acts like some low-pressure chambers? That means the radiation behind the object is pushing it to the event horizon.
So the idea is that the black hole is the particle that is in the fourth dimension. And in its point is the similar "hole" that electrons are leaving when their energy level rises higher than their environment. The black hole or the singularity and event horizons what we see is the shadow that pulls everything in it.
At the point of the event horizon, the object that falls into the black hole can be seen last time. The event horizon is the point where escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light. Or otherways saying it's the energy level where that object can interact with objects that energy level is at base level or the same level with the universe.
Image 2:) A Seifert surface bounded, by a set of Borromean rings. (Wikipedia, Seifert surface)
Can we introduce mathematical models of dimensions as Seifert surfaces?
In brane theory, the main brane is the dimension and the sub-branes that are between the main branes are the sub-dimensions. The idea of that theory is that the dimension is a series of layers. But are the layers straight or are they Seifert surfaces?
Albert Einstein introduced the idea of the universe's curvature in his Theory of Relativity. The thing is that the things like the brane theory are not noticing the curvature of the universe enough. In their models of the energy level in the space and dimensions. So when we are thinking about the models of the dimension we can think are the branes of the brane theory rather than Seifert surfaces and straight surfaces.
Image 4:) Brane model. Description of a brane goes like this: A brane is an object similar to a quantum string. But with any number of dimensions. Rather than the single dimension of a string. ( So, we could almost call it a flat quantum string.
The Seifert surface is one of the models of the layer that are forming dimensions. Maybe we are making mistakes. When we are thinking about the model of the dimension from the point of view of the brane theory.
When we think of the brane theory, where each dimension is forming of sub-dimensions or branes. In brane theory, each brane is a certain energy layer. So the model of the dimension is like a series of papers or a little bit book-looking structure.
In brane theory, the main brane is the marginal where the objects can interact with each other. When the energy level between two objects is at a certain marginal it makes those objects visible to each other. But when the energy difference between the energy layers is too big those objects are vanishing from each other.
So the main brane is the event horizon. The event horizon is the final point where objects can see each other. And that point is relative. It depends on the difference between the energy levels of those objects. But each object is curving the universe when they are increasing its energy level.
When we are looking at the Seifert surface. We can notice that those surfaces cannot transform each other if they are made with the same knot. But then we can think that the Seifert surface can be the model that is looking a little bit like "8". That kind of Seifert surface can transmit information between two objects. But those surfaces require a tensor that connects them.
So the Black Holes are those tensors that are connecting the dimensions. It forms the tunnel between dimensions. And as I wrote at the beginning of this text we think of black holes the wrong way. We should think that a black hole pulls an object upwards to the roof of the dimension. So the black hole is the object that is in the fourth dimension and leaves the structure that is a little bit like an electron-hole.
Images and sources.
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