Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Could the myth of vampires be somehow real?

Cancer cells act like small vampires when they steal mitochondria from the immune cells. When tiny tentacles or nanotubes are sucking mitochondria out from the immune cells those cancer cells can connect those mitochondria to themselves. 

The myth of vampires is claimed as a hoax. The new findings in the behavior of cancer cells. And, especially their ability to steal mitochondria from the wealthy immune cells. And the cases when old mice are injected by using the blood of young mice. 

That turned old mice younger has caused the thought that the vampire myth requires a closer look. We can say that cancer cells are like little vampires that are using tiny tentacles to steal mitochondria from wealthy immune cells. 

But then researchers found that the blood of young mice made elder mice younger. That thing caused an idea that somebody will start to think about, what kind of creature the vampire would be. We know that the serial killer Erzebeth Bathory took blood baths to remain young forever. Young blood can take affect cells in two ways. 

"Left: Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) image shows the formation of a nanotube between a breast cancer cell and an immune cell. Right: Confocal microscopy image shows mitochondria (labeled with green fluorescence dye) traveling from a T cell to a cancer cell through the intercellular nanotube. DNA in the mitochondria was labeled with blue dye. Credit: Nature Nanotechnology DOI: 10.1038/s41565-021-01000-4" (ScitechDaily/Cancer Cells Use “Tiny Tentacles” To Suck Mitochondria Out of Immune Cells)

The first way is the cell can renew the main genome of the cell. The main genome of the cell is in its nucleus.  And the second point is the mitochondria. 

Mitochondria are the power units of the cells. And those power units have their internal DNA molecules that are not connected with the main genome of the cells. When a cell starts to split it will send the chemical mark to mitochondria that they are starting their mitosis. 

If the cells are transferring fresh mitochondria that would cause the creature must avoid UV radiation. The UV radiation will damage the DNA. And then the creature will get burning injuries. There is one thing that is also interesting and that is connected with the cancer cells. 

Cancer cells can steal mitochondria from other cells and connect them with their power system. So, cancer cells are stealing the "force of life" from other cells by using small nanotubes. And in the book Dracula, the hand of the vampire is described as hairy. So could the be the possibility that some creature could steal mitochondria from other animals or even humans. 

The thing of how a vampire could transform a human into a vampire would be easy to explain. The vampire could transfer the virus into the body of the victim. And that virus transforms the victim of the bite into a vampire. But could that creature exist? The fact is that there could be something that some people don't want others to know. 





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