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Threats of robotics

Being dangerous can happen on purpose, or it can happen accidentally. If the AI is made to harm people. It is always dangerous to its environment. Same way, if AI is not working how it should, it's dangerous. The programming error in autopilot can cause a risky situation. 

Have you ever heard a term called "ghost protocol"? That means that there are the actions in the memories of computers that are hidden from the regular users. Javelin missiles or GPS-guided grenades can be the mode that detonates it if it is an attempt to carry outside allowed territory.

Or if an intelligent grenade attempt to shoot without unauthorized cannon that detonates the grenade in the tube. The system uses an RFID system for detecting the authorized ammunition and if there is no authorization. The ammunition destroys itself and the cannon. 

If the GPS grenade flies outside the authorized area the system detonates it. That allows controlling things like military aid better. Also, the deliverer of that system can see where those weapons are used. 

A certain image or signal can trigger that ghost protocol. In some nightmare visions, the programmer involves the image of the targeted person in the memory of the car's autopilot. That image is acting as a trigger and orders the car to drive over the victim. Then the program erases itself. 

When we are talking about AI and drones we must remember that also regular street gangs can use drones to search police. Those people can also use drones to deliver drugs and even guns to prison. 

The same drone that delivers pizza to customers can carry the drugs or pistol to prison. Or thy can equip their drones with pistols and shotguns. And the use of those weapons requires only which pulls the trigger back. 

The key element in modern warfare is the computer. The computer and AI-based algorithms are controlling the precision-guided ammunition. And the computer plays a vital role in the new jet fighters like the F-35. Without computers those weapons are ineffective. All things that computers can do must program in their databases. And if those databases are removed the computer doesn't know how to control things like hydraulics.

If we are talking about killer drones and robot soldiers the answer is that AI can kill a human. Also, there is the possibility that in some more or less secretive laboratories is created intelligent computer viruses that can erase databases from the control computers of the jet fighters and intelligent weapons. 

Those so-called logical bombs can infect things like GPS-guided grenades and at least try to detonate those weapons in the wrong places. The effect of those weaponized computer programs and algorithms is limited.

But if the targeted system is not protected the computer virus can make very much damage if it will remove the vital parts of the flight control system or even formats the entire hard disk of the flight control computers. If the targeted system is well protected. Those computer viruses are ineffective. 

Drones are platforms. And their programming determines the use of those systems. 

In this writing, the focus is that there is a lot of AI research that is connected with weapon research. AI-based robots are things that can also misuse. And the man-looking robots are always at risk. The government actors are not all who are interesting in AI-based robots and their use of them in illegal activities. 

The man-shaped robot is the perfect assassin. If we are thinking about the cleaner robot that mission is to clean offices we always forget one thing. The thing that denies those systems to harm people is their program. The robots are multi-use tools. The same thing that hovers floors and dusts layers can also use weapons if it is programmed for that purpose. 

So in visions, the mafia men would just buy the cleaner robot. And then change its program. When the robot is made its dirty job the operators will erase its mission log and return it to cleaner work. This thing is one of the new types of threats that things like security people should understand. 

The same drone that delivers pizza can also deliver the drugs or drop bombs to a certain point on the ground. The thing is that the drone is a platform that makes things where it's programmed. 

Things like regular street gangs can use drones to observe their area and search for cops. They can also at least try to fly drugs and even guns to their members who are in prison. And they can also connect things like shotguns, pistols, and explosives to the drones that can buy from every shop. So the governmental actors are only one part of the users of the next-generation technology.


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