Wednesday, June 8, 2022

A couple of things about the young universe

Could the universe look like the Sombrero Galaxy (M104)? We see the giant material disk that is surrounded by a plasma halo. So we can take this model to a larger scale. 

So universe could be a disk-shaped layer surrounded by a halo of dark matter. Proving that thing requires that all material in the universe orbits around the mass center of the entire universe. That requires that there is an enormous black hole that is larger than even a galaxy cluster. 

In the beginning, was the Big Bang.

By researching bipolar nebulas we can think that the Big Bang could be the bipolar effect. So the sphere or the point that released material to the time and space sends material in two directions. At that point, the spins of material or particles that were released from the poles of that point of the Big Bang turned opponents to each other. 

In some visions, part of the material fell back and formed a giant black hole. The confirmation of the existence of that black hole could be done if all galaxies and galactic clusters will travel in the same direction. That means the universe has a common mass center. 

Then began the great annihilation.

So that means that another particle nebula turned into the material. And another turned to antimatter. Then the antimatter started to annihilate the material. At that point, we must realize that there was no other material than those two material clouds in space. 

That means the gravitation along with electromagnetic interaction pulls particles and antiparticles together. And that annihilation caused the form of material in the form as we know it. The temperature of the universe raised. 

Is it possible that only the bottoms of the material and antimatter clouds interact? 

That explains the asymmetry between antimatter and material. That effect pulled the material and antimatter clouds away from each other. 

The great annihilation cleaned the universe from antimatter. There is the possibility that only the bottoms of the clouds of matter and antimatter interacted. 

This thing can explain why there was more material in the universe than antimatter. And it makes it possible that there is another universe outside our universe. 

Dark matter and the geometric shape of the universe are interesting things to think about. 

Could the main nebula of the dark matter be outside the visible universe? In that case, the dark matter is released or formed at a different moment than the visible material. In that model, the main part of the dark matter locates outside the visible universe. And that thing causes that we cannot get samples of it. In theories, there are at least two versions of dark matter. 

1) Hot dark matter

2) Cold dark matter. 

There is the possibility that a large mass of material is also outside the visible universe. If the distance of the particles like quarks is too high they cannot form material. And also there is the possibility that large groups of neutrinos are traveling ahead of the visible universe. 

It would be hard to see those particles because there is only a small possibility that the particle interacts with anything. But in an absolute vacuum, where are no quantum fields the particle would turn to wave motion because energy is traveling out of it. 

Bipolar planetary nebula PN Hb 12. (Wikipedia/ Bipolar Nebula)

So could dark matter be the free superstrings that are traveling in space outside the universe? 

Dark matter is an interesting thing. We know that there is something that sends dark wave motion in the universe. That dark wave motion is called dark energy. So could the origin of dark energy be outside the visible universe? There is the possibility that the origin of dark energy is some type of dark matter. 

Many times is written that dark energy has nothing to do with dark matter. But the problem is that there must be some kind of origin for that mysterious wave motion that rips the universe into pieces. So if the universe is a similar structure to a galaxy but larger that means the universe is flat. But then we can say that the visible universe is flat. 

There is the possibility that the disk-shaped structure of the universe will surround the cloud of dark matter. So the position of the main nebula dark matter would be outside the visible universe. Is the universe flat or spheric or maybe hyperbolic? That thing depends on the position of the dark matter according to visible material. 

Then the first stars and galaxies formed. 

At this point, we must realize that quarks couldn't form protons and neutrons in the young universe. The material's oscillation must be low enough that the protons and neutrons could form. The great annihilation happened between subatomic particles. 

And it must turn lower so that quarks can form protons and neutrons. There is the possibility that during that great annihilation formed black holes. During that annihilation formed giant warp bubbles and the energy level of material was so high that whirling plasma couldn't form stars. 

But then the first galaxies formed in the universe. 

Forming of the stars requires that the gravitation in the hydrogen nebula turned so strong that it pulled hydrogen atoms together. In the extreme young universe, the only element was hydrogen or hydrogen plasma. 

At that time there were not all elements in that young universe. The elements must be formed in the nuclear fusion in the stars. Then formed the first planets. The first planets were gas giants, and then the smaller rocky worlds. The first stars were very hot and bright. The time must go that the relations of the elements would be favorable for smaller yellow stars.

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