Sunday, June 26, 2022

Dark energy and gravitational waves can have a similar origin.

Could the origin of dark energy and gravitational waves be similar? The gravitational waves are energy that two particles that orbit each other send. So the origin of dark energy can be in the gluons and quarks. That is orbiting some kind of center in the protons and neutrons. 

That center could be the tensor tunnel called the mysterious graviton. And those gluons and quarks that orbit this hypothetical tensor tunnel can be a source of dark energy. But the question is what particle sends that mysterious wave motion that rips the universe into pieces. Is it quark, gluon, or some, yet unknown particle? 

Dark energy is an invisible wave motion that doesn't interact with the material. That mystery force rips the universe into pieces but it doesn't interact in other ways. So dark energy doesn't transfer energy to the material and that makes it a mystery. How does dark energy work, and what is its essence? The essence of dark energy could be similar to gamma- or X-ray. But in this time the dark energy tunnels itself through the protons and neutrons. 

There is a possibility that this mystery energy or wave motion tunnels itself through the quarks and gluons. So could the origin of dark energy be in free gluons? Gluons are the particles that are connecting quarks in the entireties called protons and neutrons. The strong force or strong interaction is the interaction between gluon and quark.

Gluons are mediators of strong interaction. But dark energy has caused a question: is there a particle between gluon and quark? If particle X exists, it could be the source of dark energy. 

The thing is that the origin of all wave motion is the particle. The wavelength of the wave motion is always the same. As the size of the particle that sends the wave motion. The wavelength of the radiation uncovers its sender. 

So if dark energy has so short a wavelength that it can tunnel itself through the quarks and even gluon it must have a very small source. The reason why gamma-ray has so high energy level is that very small particle sends it. Particles send radiation when the energy stress ends. And particle attempts to get energy stability which means it attempts to reach the same energy level as its environment. So radiation or wave motion is the energy pulse that a particle sends. 

The small-size particles must send energy pulses more often than large-size particles that we can detect those pulses. And the energy level of those pulses must be very high so that they can interact with other particles. Or, otherways saying cause visible interaction to other particles that are far larger than the sender particle of short wave radiation. 

The interaction is that the impacting wave motion increases the energy level of the particle. And if the size of the sender particle is far smaller than the receiving particle. The increase in the energy level is hard to detect. 

Are superstrings in the form of the power lines of the magnetic fields of planets? That requires that particles have north and south poles. But what can make this N/S structure? 

Are quarks and gluons in orbit at the center of the protons and neutrons? When those particles are rotating something in the middle of a proton or neutron they send wave motion. So, could that wave motion be the dark energy? Or some form of dark energy. 

If graviton is tensor the protons and neutrons are the quark groups that are orbiting the stick-looking structure. If graviton is a tunnel-looking structure. In that tensor tunnel, one side is at a lower energy level than the other it pulls energy to it. 

That energy pulls the quarks and gluons around it. And if those particles are moving they would conduct energy outside that structure. And the origin of the dark energy could be in the gluons and quarks. That orbit the center of the protons or neutrons. 

So how the wave motion can tunnel itself through the quarks or protons and neutrons? The thing is that the particle that we see is a quantum field. Or rather saying it could be the series of the parallel quantum flashes of lightning or superstrings. If superstrings (quantum wires) are in the form of parallel wires the wave motion can move them sideways away from their road. 

But that thing requires that there is some kind of thing that connects those lightning in the form that they are orbiting the center of the particles in the N/S direction. That thing requires that particles must have north and south poles. And those superstrings are acting as power lines of planets. 

See also:

Dark energy

Fundamental forces



The standard model of physics

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