Image 1:) F-35 Lightning II (Wikipedia/Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II)
When we are thinking possibility to make a craft that levitates over the ground we can make that thing by using the low-pressure channel. That is formed by using laser rays. When a laser ray will shoot over the craft it causes the air molecules will start to escape from that point.
And that thing can form the low-pressure channel above the craft. Powerful laser rays can also use to make the vacuum bubble behind the ramjet and scramjet engines making it possible to start them on the ground. The lasers will create a vacuum bubble behind the engine. And that thing makes airflow through the engine tube.
The same kind of air channel can also create by using powerful radio waves. The coherent radio radiation will ionize the air molecules that escape from the track of the aircraft. The idea is taken from lightning. The powerful EM-stress makes air molecules escape from each other. And that makes the air thinner than around it. That thing makes friction lower and allows aircraft to travel faster.
Laser engines and levitation can solve one of the problems of hypersonic flight and that thing is fiction. The friction causes problems with the hyper-fast flight because air molecules raise the temperature of the aircraft's body. The friction is the kinetic energy that releases when the aircraft hits those molecules.
Image 2) UFO with the mast. Is that mast the laser that creates the vacuum or low-pressure channel above that saucer-shaped object? A similar UFO was pictured over Rouen, France in 1954. And this image is taken on May 11, 1950. (Wikipedia, Minnville UFO photographs).
There are two ways to make the friction lower. One version is to raise the aircraft to a high altitude, where the air is thinner. And that thing decreases friction. The thermal energy that impacts air molecules depends on the number of impacts in the time unit. And that means that when the distance of the air molecules is higher the impacts happen less frequently.
Another way to decrease friction is to shoot laser rays ahead of the aircraft. The laser ray would cause the air molecules are escaping away from that channel. And that thing makes a channel where the air pressure is lower than around that channel. The laser ray would make the channel where the fiction is lower than in a normal atmosphere. And there is the possibility that the low-pressure channel that the laser forms can also pull objects above the ground.
In some theories, the famous "Flying Dutchman" is the ship that forms a low-pressure channel ahead of it. The fact is that if the laser ray will shoot forward of the ship that laser ray will ionize the air. And then those ions will travel away from each other that forming the low-pressure channel that is pulling the ship in that channel. In some models, the so-called sonic whirl can cause the low-pressure channel that causes that can pull the craft to that channel.
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Image 2:)
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