There is a new law in California that denies misleading marketing. That is important. In cases where new highly automatized automobiles are sold to regular customers, the misunderstanding causes terrible situations. If customers don't realize that the AI-controlled autopilot cannot drive independently. And humans must control the vehicle in city areas.
That thing can cause problems or accidents. So if the human just starts to sleep and lets autopilot handle situations, the result is a crash. When people are starting to use some AI-controlled tools or vehicles, they must get enough information about the real capacities of those systems.
Especially city areas are complicated for vehicles. There are millions of things that can happen suddenly. And programmers must notice all of those situations. If situations like balls come suddenly to the front of the vehicle not described to the program code, that causes a risky situation because if the AI doesn't recognize risks it's dangerous.
The difference between self-driving cars and Chat GPT-type artificial intelligence is that Chat GPT is a virtual product. If the Chat GPT makes something wrong that thing doesn't make physical damage. But if the AI-controlled car makes mistakes, that thing causes dramatic situations.
Making AI-controlled killer robots is easier than making an AI-controlled car that transfers people and merchandise from point A to point B. This is an interesting thing about robotics and AI. A destroyer is easier to create than something positive and creative. The fact is that most of the AI and robot programs are not serving the military. But the only thing that people are noticing are killer robots.
People notice negative things better than positive ones. When we think about Fritz Haber, chemist, and researcher. That man created the Haber-Bosch synthesis along with Carl Bosch. Haber-Bosch method means ammonia synthesis that allows the creation of synthetic fertilizers.
That method could save billions of people because it allows the growing of corn more effectively. But the same man has the nickname "father of chemical warfare". He created chemical weapons during WW1. But after WW1 that man earned a Nobel prize.
Same way, we see AI as a threat to humanity. But then we must ask what is the threat, that AI causes or forms? Is that threat the mass unemployment? Or is it something that we cannot even confess? Is that threat that we lost our position in other people's eyes? If robots are starting to make all the dirty work like cleaning and other low-paid jobs, we must ask ourselves, would we make those jobs?
Does AI take jobs from poor people? Or does it only take away the people from the workplaces to who we normally compare ourselves? That means that the lowest step from workplaces will be removed and replaced by using machines.
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