The origin of the next theory is the elementary particle looks like a whisk. So the superstrings are forming rings that are causing the electromagnetic low-pressure in the middle of the particle. When that whisk-looking structure rotates. That motion causes the electromagnetic wave motion or gravitational waves are traveling inside the structure.
And they are causing a situation where impacting wave motion is forming the electromagnetic emptiness or so-called warp bubble inside elementary particles. Or they can form standing-bubble-looking gravitational waves.
Those gravitational waves can make the situation that the wave motion jumps out from the bubble and forms the warp bubble around that standing wave motion. Maybe that thing could also explain a thing called dark energy.
That thing can happen straight. Or the impacting gravitational waves are causing the oscillation of that whisk-looking structure called an elementary particle. The superstrings that are forming this structure are acting like antennas.
That there forms tiny warp bubbles or small black holes in the middle of that structure. Or there is the possibility that the warp bubble forms a small black hole inside it. The size of those structures is far smaller than quarks.
The thing is that: Warp bubbles or quantum black holes can form similar-looking effects. And another fact is that those things are not confirmed. So everything that reads here is theoretical.
So can gravitation be a pushing or pulling force? That thing is one of the biggest things that researchers must solve before the GUT-Theory (Grand (or the great) Unified Theory) can be done. There is a possibility that the artificial black holes that are made by using 2D atom structures can solve the gravitational problem.
The thing that forms the hole in the 2D atom structure is the electron that jumps back to the 3D form. That electron leaves the hole in the structure behind it. Then the side-coming quantum fields are starting to fill that hole. And that thing can create the tower in the center of the hole that can be from the 3D material.
The quantum ring that surrounds that hole can deny that the wave motion can travel over it. And it can form a standing wave motion in the 2D structure. That thing can cause a situation where the Schwinger-effect forms the 3D material. The reason for that is that the wave motion or superstrings can travel over that wave. And then that thing forms the situation where the wave motion can form the whisk-looking structure.
Theoretically, an elementary particle's model is a whisk-looking structure. That is forming of a series of quantum rings. That is similar to the form of the holes in the 2D atoms. And that thing means that there are similar-looking holes in this whisk-looking structure.
Because those quantum rings are rotating those structures are leaving electromagnetic waves inside them. When the electromagnetic or quantum wave motion hits to particle, a little bit of that wave motion or energy jumps out from the particle or its quantum fields. So that thing could be the reflection of the gravitational waves.
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