The fusion test laboratory used less energy than fusion produced. The DOE press publication introduces the NIF (National Ignition Facility) laboratory that used 2,05 MJ (Megajoules) in the test where fusion produced 3,15 MJ. That thing was not much. But the best result is that test proved that the self-sustaining commercial fusion reactor is possible. That energy burst broke systems.
And it was not last a long time. But that test shows that there is possible to create a controllable fusion reaction. The problem with fusion is how to control it. The non-controlled fusion devices or so-called hydrogen bombs that create non-controlled fusion reactions were invented in the 1950s. The problem with a fusion reactor is how to control that reaction.
There are three ways to control fusion.
*The control system adjusts the fuel dump to the reactor. When the energy level of the reaction turns too high the system reduces the fuel flow. Controlling the fusion by adjusting the fuel flow is difficult. If the system shuts down the fuel injection that thing shuts down fusion. The thing is not good for self-sustaining fusion that should release energy for years.
*The problem is that if the energy impulse from the fusion reactor has too high power, it destroys the entire system. There is the possibility that the system uses Bose-Einstein condensate to transfer energy out from the fusion that turns too hot.
The Bose-Einstein condensate can pull energy out from fusion. And that can limit the damage that impulses with too high an energy level can cause. The problem with Bose-Einstein condensate as an adjusting tool is that there is a needed large mass of those things.
In some visions, the Bose-Einstein condensate or anyons the particles that are at the lowest energy level in Universe will inject into the fusion explosions. That thing means. The energy from that fusion reaction will transfer to the anyons or Bose-Einstei condensate.
*The more complicated system uses counter radiation. The use of counter-radiation makes it possible to push energy back to the middle of the reactor.
And that thing makes the energy flow to the sensor more gentle than without that counter radiation. The counter radiation system makes it possible to use less accurate fuel injection systems.
The counter radiation or counter energy system uses counter wave motion that pulls energy out from the outcoming energy waves. The counter-radiation systems are in use in active stealth jamming systems.
Jamming or controlling nuclear weapons is not more difficult than jamming radio waves. But the problem is how to make enough powerful counter wave that can turn nuclear weapon's energy away.
The counter-radiation systems can someday use to control even nuclear explosions. The counterwaves can turn even the hydrogen bomb's energy away but the problem is that the system must make extremely high power counter-wave in a short moment.
The plasma in a fusion reactor is hotter than the sun. So that temperature makes plasma hard to control. If plasma hits the reactor's wall, it destroys the reactor immediately. When the fusion begins the system will release lots of energy. In that case, the system tries to control the energy blast by pushing it back to the middle of the reactor.
So the most important thing is the relation between outcoming energy and counter energy that limits energy impact on the reactor's wall. The outcoming energy must be weaker because it must let the radiation impact the power output unit that transforms fusion energy into electricity. The counterwave base control of the fusion is one of the things that can make the fusion turn commercial.
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