The speed has seen when neutron stars collide. The impact energy can form the short-term warp bubble that allows the radiation to travel faster than it usually travels.
Two other things are making it possible to make particles travel faster than the speed of light.
A) Virtual crossing where high-speed particles are impacting each other. If the speed of both particles is 0,8 times the speed of light the impact speed is 1,6 times the speed of light.
B) Rising the escaping velocity of the particle higher than the speed of light. So behind the black hole's event horizon, the speed of particles is higher than the speed of light. The reason for that is that particles drop to the gravitational center at the same speed as escaping velocity.
The fact is that crossing the speed of light is a paradox. That thing is quite easy to make in theory. The only thing that must do is to create an area where the light travels faster than light travels in the environment around it.
Cherenkov's radiation or the blue light flash is a good example of how a particle can cross the speed of light. When a particle that travels with the speed of light impacting water.
That thing causes a blue light shockwave. And the reason for that is simple: light travels in the air faster than it travels in water. And when the particle's speed is slowing. It must release its kinetic energy as the blue light shockwave.
Things like Cherenkov's radiation and Boötes void prove that the speed of light depends on the medium where the light travels. And there is an empty area in the universe there is no reflection or scattering effect that slows the speed of light.
One reason that makes scattering effect slows the speed of photons is that scattering puts the photon travel a meandering trajectory. When a photon releases energy quantum every time it changes its direction. That thing makes it impossible to increase the photon's energy level.
There is a possibility, that regular high-energy radiation from the neutron star or magnetar can make the jet cross the speed of light. In that hypothetical situation. The intensive energy of the jet of the neutron star can wipe out other particles and quantum fields. And that thing makes the neutron star's beam travel at a higher speed than light. But the photon's speed is always on the top. So light travels faster in that high-energy beam that is outside it.
So can spacecraft travel with the speed of light?
The idea is the same with the warp bubble. There is the possibility that someday researchers can create a spacecraft where is a ball-shaped annihilation chamber inside it. The antimatter system detonates particle-antiparticle pairs in that chamber. The energy bubbles that are traveling outside the craft push material and electromagnetic fields like particles and quantum fields away from the craft.
And that thing forms a small-size void around that thing. That allows light to travel faster than outside that bubble. That kind of system makes it possible to create a jet and an area where other particles increase at the same speed.
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