Gravitational waves can give information about the things like neutron stars' internal structures. Gravitational waves are wave motion, just like radio waves and light.
So gravitational radiation must be electromagnetic radiation that is out of the known electromagnetic spectrum. But it's radiation. Like all other wave motion.
So that thing makes it possible to use models that are made for radio waves and other wave motions to model the behavior of gravitation. The source of gravitational radiation is unknown. That hypothetical graviton particle could be very large. Or it could be a very small particle.
*Gravitational wave's wavelength could be so short that its frequency is above gamma rays. This means that a graviton should be an extremely small particle.
*Or the gravitational wave's wavelength could be longer than radio waves. But that requires that the hypothetical graviton is a very large particle.
Gravitational waves are proving that gravitation is wave motion. And it should interact as all other wave motion does. This thing makes gravitation so interesting.
*Gravitational waves can reflect.
*Gravitational lens can focus gravitational waves to one focus.
*And there is a possibility that the gravitational waves can put to slide over the object.
*A case where gravitational waves slide over the surface makes still theoretical "gravitational stealth" possible.
*Theoretically, this thing can act like plasma stealth. Between the physical layer and impacting gravitational waves is a layer of gravitational waves.
*Theoretically, standing gravitational waves can keep impacting gravitational waves away from the physical layer.
*Or gravitational waves can turn around by using the gravitational counter waves.
*If black holes reflect gravitational waves that thing causes one interesting question.
*Are those reflecting gravitational waves causing the antigravitation?
*And could the reflecting gravitational waves be the thing that is the dark energy?
There is a possibility that the gravitational waves that are left from black holes are reflections of gravitational radiation that impact the black hole's gravitational field. In that model the more powerful gravitation from black holes makes the gravitational waves reflect away from it. In the same way, the more powerful electromagnetic radiation is pushing weaker radiation away.
So if gravitational waves are reflecting from the black holes, that thing can be the reason for the mysterious antigravitation. So the question is "Are dark energy, and antigravitation the same thing?"
Could the hypothetical reflecting gravitational waves which jump out from the stronger gravitational field, that have the same frequency in their wave motion be the source of the antigravitation? So, are hypothetical antigravitation and dark energy the same thing?
The idea of this model is that gravitational waves always have the same frequency. And when the same frequency gravitational waves impact with each other the more powerful radiation pushes weaker radiation away from the stronger gravitational field.
So there is a possibility that researchers are using stealth technology. And especially jammer systems for modeling the system that makes it possible to create particles or objects where gravitational waves are not impacting.
The reflecting gravitational waves could explain why Sagittarius A the central black hole of the galaxy Milky Way loses its mass. “At the moment, Sagittarius is slowly being torn apart, but 1-2 billion years ago it was significantly larger, probably around 20 percent of the mass of the Milky Way’s disk,” (ScitechDaily/The Milky Way Is Mysteriously Rippling – Scientists Might Finally Know Why)
The reason why Sagittarius loses its mass is simple. That supermassive black hole doesn't get enough material to eat. And that causes vaporization. The reflecting gravitational waves can be one reason why the Milky Way is losing its size. Of course, things like centripetal force, and the radiation from billions of objects are ionizing the gas disk. And things like hydrogen ions are repelling each other. But things like dark energy or free energy whose origin is not known can explain why galaxies are ripping into pieces.
But could those reflecting gravitational waves explain that mysterious dark energy? If that reflecting hypothetical gravitational radiation is the mirror effect of the gravitation we could say that this thing could cause the mysterious antigravitation. And maybe that thing could explain the mystical wave motion called dark energy.
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