Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The gravitational pool.

The image above this text: Planets are always gravitational centers. 

Is it possible that the gravitation interacts with gluons? That could explain why gravitation doesn't increase the temperature of particles. The thing that raises the temperature of gas around black holes is friction. The gravitation is wave motion, but the source of that wave motion is missing. Maybe that thing is a mysterious graviton. 

There is a theory that graviton is the tensor or virtual particle that is at a too high energy level for being in the third dimension. Or it's a smaller particle than even gluon. There is possible that the graviton exists between gluons and quarks inside the nucleus of atoms. 

Gravitation is the most dominant force in the universe. It's the weakest of all four interactions but it affects long distances. We know that gravitation is wave motion that travels at the speed of light. Gravitation can accelerate objects to a speed that is higher than the speed of light. But that thing happens only in the black hole. 

We know that gravitation is energy. But why does gravitation not warm objects? Why it just increases their speed? The thing that warms meteorites in the atmosphere is friction. 

Is it possible that gravitational waves are interacting with gluons? That means they can increase the temperature but the thing that will affect only to gluons. Gluons are transmitters of the strong nuclear force. 

They existed between quarks. And strong nuclear force is the interaction between quarks and gluons. The size of the gluon is far smaller than quarks. So could over-energetic gluons be the source of dark energy? 

Or does the over-energetic gravitons the thing that causes dark energy? Proving that thing is not very easy, researchers must find graviton, the source of mysterious gravitational waves. And then they must find out what kind of thing that particle or virtual particle, or tensor is. Without that information, everything is hypothetical. 

 And that means it raises the temperature of quark in so small an area that it's impossible to see from outside. So if the gravitation increases the temperature or rises the gluon's energy level that thing causes the gluons are pushing the quarks away from each other. So is it possible that at the quantum level gravitation is repelling force? And could that hypothetical gluon-interaction be the thing called "dark energy"? 

 Is it possible that the gravitational pool is just an area that is at a lower energy level? That means the coming energy pushes particles and objects to that gravitational pothole. Maybe someday we can find the answer to that mystery. 

Could gravitation be only an area that is a lower energy level around the object? If that is true the outcoming energy pushes the objects to that gravitational pool. Gravitational waves show that gravitation is wave motion like all other energy. The source of that energy is a mystery. The thing that makes gravitational waves interesting is that they are not increasing the energy level of particles. So gravitation is just turning to kinetic energy. But it will not increase the temperature of the particles. 

So does the gravitation just tunnel itself through the material or some subatomic particles? The idea of the gravitational interaction is that the gravitational waves are hitting the particle in front of it. Then they increase the energy level at the front side of the particles and energy travels backward to them. And then that thing turns the particle into a rocket engine that pushes objects to the gravitational center. 

When researchers are talking about things like time reversal they are talking about cases where single particles of some synthetic, superheavy radioactive elements or single elementary particles existed longer than they should. 

These kinds of things are made in the acceleration laboratories, and they are proven time dilation is true. The reason why particles whose energy level is higher exist longer time is that when the energy level of the particle rises the weight or quantum gravitation level of the particle also rises. 

The quantum gravitation pulls the "hair" of the particle inside, and that means that when the energy level of the particle is rising its size is turning smaller. So the particle's gravitational field could be formed when the particle is vaporizing. The expansion of the universe or cosmic inflation means that the ratio of space to material and radiation increases. And then the mass of energy and material in the universe decreases relative to the size of the universe. 

So there is always a smaller mass of energy and material in the universe. That thing causes the universe is getting colder. Or the energy level of the universe decreases. And the pressure of the quantum fields is decreasing too. So the energy travels out from particles. And that thing is the vaporization of the particles. 

The reason for that is that energy is always traveling to a lower energy area. And every system attempt to get energy stability. That means every particle would be at the same energy level with each other and their environment. The expansion of the universe causes that material and energy cannot ever reach stability in the universe. 

The vaporization means that material and particles are turning to wave motion. So when the particle is turning to wave motion it loses a little bit of its mass. Or the size of the particle turns smaller. That thing causes the electromagnetic suction when electromagnetic fields are starting to fill that area. 

When the particle's energy level is high the "hair" or superstrings that are causing the interaction turns in. This is why Higgs Boson is hared to see than an electron.  But when the energy level is turning low the superstrings are turning open. And then that thing expands the size of the particle. But the superstrings or hair of material loses a little bit of themselves when the universe is expanding. 

That means the size of the particle is turning smaller. And that thing forms the quantum-size "low-pressure" area around that practice. That means the gravitation could be the lower energy area around objects. So the outcoming radiation pushes objects into the gravitational pothole. That could be one explanation for gravitation. 


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