Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Is time another dimension?

The answer is no. Time is not just a dimension. Time affects in the same way in all dimensions if we think that time is an energy or wave motion flowing away from particles. When time started in the Big Bang energy started to flow away from the plasma ball that turned into the universe. Or actually, the universe is still the giant plasma ball. 

The reason, why the universe loses its mass is that at the far edge of the plasma the Big Bang was released. Nothing will break the speed of light or particles. There are no quantum fields that can put limits on the speed of particles. And outside the universe is the place where photons and all other particles can travel at the same speed. 

Because material at the outer edge of the universe is traveling faster than inside it. The universe loses its mass. But then we must realize that the time is different outside the plasma ball called the universe.

 Because there is no plasma or quantum field material vaporizes or turns to wave motion very fast. The thing that limits the vaporization is the energy that comes from outside to the particle. And there are no known energy sources outside the universe. 

But then we can think that the fourth dimension is the energy level where the particle lost its ability to interact with particles that are in the third dimension. So when the particle jumps to the fourth dimension the connection between it and the observer is lost. 

Observation is the same thing as interaction. And the loss of interaction between particle and observer means that observer cannot see that particle anymore. The fact is that material vaporizes or loses energy in the fourth dimension in the same way as it loses in the third dimension. 

When we are talking about time dilation we mean the phenomenon where time moves slower on the particle that moves faster. The fact is that also energy stress causes time dilation. And otherwise, we can say that time dilation is slowing the material's vaporization by increasing its energy level. The fact is that the energy pump to the material cannot continue forever. 

Sooner or later the energy starts to flow out from the material. And it turns into wave motion. It's theoretically possible, that some particles can exist forever. But, that thing requires that particles get more energy from somewhere. The fact is that there is no endless energy in the fourth dimension. 

The energy or possible material expands in the fourth dimension the same way as it does in the third dimension. The reason why particles can travel long distances in a shorter time in the fourth dimension is that the energy level of that dimension is higher. And time moves slower in that dimension. Theoretically, we could make material younger by just conducting energy to it. 

But the thing is that cosmic inflation causes that material is vaporizing. And for making material or particles that exist forever requires that energy is coming from the fourth dimension. The particle turns younger so long as energy flows into it. And the material is aging when energy starts to flow away from it. 

Three-dimensional objects have height, width, and depth. The vaporization or energy flow away from the particles or material continues until the material turns to a point called dimension zero. At that point, the only thing that is left is the point. In the second dimension, the particles or material is flat and there is only the width and length left. And in the zeroth dimension, the material also loses its width. 

And the only thing that is left is simply the point. But as I many times wrote. We cannot model the fourth dimension in the three-dimensional spacetime. We can create only objects that have height, width, and depth. 

We cannot model any other dimensions in the three-dimensional spacetime. We cannot make points without width or height. For creating a real 2D object. Or an object without height. That requires computer screens.  If we try to draw a 2D object we are facing one thing. The pen leaves a small hill on paper. And that's why making real 2D objects requires a computer screen. 



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