Monday, July 18, 2022

The MIT researchers developed the time harnessing sensor for detecting dark matter.

So, is it possible that time travels backward in dark matter?

The idea of quantum-size time reversal is in the image above this text. When two superpositioned and entangled particles are traveling at high speed, take the third particle between them. They can push the "hair" or superstrings outside. They are acting like a whip when it crosses the sound barrier. 

When the superstring that source is in extremely fast spinning particle moves forward.  The superstring may cross the speed of light for a moment. And there is the possibility. That superstring's speed turns higher than the speed of light at least at the end of those superstrings for a short moment. 

Could dark matter be in the quantum bubble that denies the interaction between dark- and visible materials? So, is it possible that time travels backward in dark matter? And could that be the reason why dark matter cannot interact with visible matter?

There is introduced a theory that time travels backward in the dark matter. The idea for that theory is taken from the idea that the particle is spinning very fast. If the particle is "hairy" that thing causes the electromagnetic vacuum or quantum bubble around that particle. Because there is no electromagnetic field that slows the spin of the particle. The hypothetical spin of hypothetical dark matter particles could be 1 or higher. 

So they can rotate full round. The spin of the fermions is 1/2.  And bosons spin is 1. There is the possibility that the dark matter particles are in the bubble where they can rotate with a speed. That is higher than the speed of light. So when the hypothetical dark matter particle sends radiation it will reflect from the quantum bubble.  

Maybe that quantum bubble acts like a magnetic field of planets and pushes quantum fields away. If the radiation would not reflect the observer and just slides through that particle and return to the same track. That thing makes this material stealthy.


The idea of the quantum level time reversal is quite simple. 

MIT physicists have shown they can significantly amplify quantum changes in atomic vibrations, by putting the particles through two key processes: quantum entanglement and time reversal. Credit: Jose-Luis Olivares, MIT, with figures from iStockphoto. ( Physicists Harness Quantum “Time Reversal” for Detecting Gravitational Waves and Dark Matter)

The idea of the quantum level time reversal is quite simple. The system must just spin the particle at the speed that is the speed of light. And then that spinning particle must just push in some direction. That thing causes the situation that the time travels backward. Making that thing is quite difficult because that requires crossing the cosmic speed limit. 

But there is possible to turn that cosmic speed limit. If two particles that are traveling at the speed of light are put into superposition and entanglement. The rotation speed of those particles can cross the speed of light for a while. 

The MIT researchers manipulate the vibration of atoms for harnessing time. The idea of this kind of sensor is that the quantum entanglement and outcoming radiation will affect the vibration of atoms. That thing causes time dilation and if the time is slowing in the sensor that gives more time to make observations. 

There is made some interesting theories, that stress atoms just at the right time the vibration makes it possible that the part of the atom or some subatomic particle would travel faster than the speed of light. That thing causes the time reversal. The thing is that these kinds of conditions require extremely high energy levels and extremely high speed. 

So when the spinning electron travels so close to the speed of light. That thing means that the other side of an electron can cross the speed of light in a very short moment. In that case, the electrons send similar radiation to Cherenkov's radiation. 

Images and sources.

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