"Dark matter was proposed to explain why stars at a galaxy’s far edge were able to move much faster than predicted with Newton. An alternative theory of gravity might be a better explanation" (scitechDaily.com/Dark Matter May Not Exist: These Physicists Favor of a New Theory of Gravity)
Anyway, even if dark matter doesn't exist in physical form. That strange gravitational effect is amazing. In some visions, the dark matter is the virtual matter like a whirl that exists for only a short moment. But there are even more amazing visions about the shape of the thing that causes the mysterious gravitational effect.
There is a theory that dark matter doesn't exist. But the question is what causes that gravitational effect. Dark matter is a gravitational effect, nothing more or less. If the multiverse exists that thing explains why dark matter doesn't interact.
When we think of the possibility that dark matter is the so-called virtual effect or virtual particle, that explains why that thing doesn't interact. The term "dark matter" means a gravitational effect that source is unknown. That means dark matter doesn't exist like visible matter. And that thing causes sleepless nights for people, who want to make models of the universe.
So if dark matter is a so-called virtual particle group. That explains very much about that strange effect. If we think that the fourth dimension is the energy level where the particle is lost from sight. That thing can mean that dark matter is the particle group that acts like a yoyo.
There are five amazing theories about dark matter.
1) Dark matter is the gravitational effect of other universes. That requires the existence of other universes.
2) Dark matter is material that just visits the third dimension and then jumps back to the fourth dimension.
3) Dark matter is the matter that is hiding in wormholes
4) Dark matter is "simply" a too powerful version of gravitational waves. That means dark matter does not exist. It's just the wave motion that forms in the hyper-energy reactions.
5) Dark matter is the wave motion that tunnels itself between quarks and gluons. There is the possibility that it's some kind of radiation that can travel through the quantum fields of most particles. If the quarks and gluons are forming quantum fields where superstrings are forming a whisk-looking structure.
The tunneling effect means that dark matter pushes those parts of the whisk-shaped strings away from its route. There is also the possibility, that hypothetical dark matter particles are so small, much smaller than quarks or gluons. And they have so high energy levels that they can push those superstrings away from their route.
In those theories, dark matter is the so-called virtual material. It's invisible and unable to interact with visible material because it's outside the universe or in some other way isolated from 3D spacetime.
When a particle jumps to the fourth dimension it leaves the hole in the third dimension. The thing that makes the particle leave to its new energy level is that another particle or wave motion will fill that hole. If that thing is not happening the hole pulls particles back.
At the first, the particle loses its energy and takes the form that it can interact with visible material. Then the hypothetical tachyon particle makes quantum entanglement with that particle. And the energy flow from the fourth dimension pulls that particle back to the fourth dimension.
So if tachyon exists, that means it's the lowest energy particle in the fourth dimension which is the energy level when we cannot see a particle. Or to the energy level when it disappears. That disappearing means that the particle lost its ability to interact with visible material.
But when that particle visits the third dimension or the energy level that gives it the ability to interact with visible material. That thing causes it sends gravitational waves around the universe. So even if the particle is lost its gravitational field remains.
Gravitational waves are almost proving that the graviton exists. There must be something that sends that wave motion. When two black holes are orbiting each other they are sending gravitational waves. Or they are transforming kinetic energy into gravitational waves.
Those black holes are connecting with an energy bridge. And there is a theory that the origin of gravitational waves is in that energy bridge. and those waves are forming when that energy bridge or tensor is traveling through the quantum fields. That energy bridge is like a stick between those black holes.
Two particles or objects are always sending gravitational waves. The thing is that. The objects that are orbiting each other are channeling quantum fields to the ends of that stick. And because gravitational waves' source is in that stick that explains why that force is so weak.
Image: https://scitechdaily.com/dark-matter-may-not-exist-these-physicists-favor-of-a-new-theory-of-gravity/
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