"A single "T" center qubit in the silicon lattice (render), which supports the first single spin to ever be optically observed in silicon. The constituents of the "T" center (two carbon atoms and a hydrogen atom) are shown as orange, and the optically-addressable electron spin is in shining pale blue. Credit: Photonic" (Phys-org/Researchers find the missing photonic link to enable an all-silicon quantum internet)
The ability to transport data between silicon and photons is one of the most incredible things in the history of data transportation. That thing allows for the creation of all-silicon quantum networks. The all-silicon-based quantum networks are making it possible to create small-size and even portable quantum computers. The all-silicon quantum circuits mean that there is the possibility that quantum laptops are in the shops faster than we ever expected.
The data transport between silicon and qubit is important when researchers are creating silicone-based, compact-size quantum networks and quantum processors. The idea of those systems is that the data would transfer between qubit and silicone.
Sometimes researchers created the idea, that the qubit would transfer its data to an electron. That operates as a medium or bridge between those silicon and photonic quantum systems. The idea is that the light and electrons are spinning together. More details about that thing are at link one below this text. (1)
The problem is how to turn photonic qubits into electric signals. One version is the case where the photon is inside the silicon material. Then the trapped photon will turn to superposition and entanglement with the outside photon. That thing is quite difficult to make. Because the system must create quantum entanglement through a silicone layer. That protects qubit from outer effects. Then the differences in brightness of the photons turn into information in the silicone.
The idea of the data transfer between silicon and photon qubits is based on the things called "T" centers. that is a combination of one hydrogen and two carbon atoms. The benefiting the "T" centers are introduced in link two below this text. (2)
The fact is this. The Quantum revolution continues and when the number of quantum computers is rising their price will get lower. And that means sooner or later the quantum computers with quantum networks are everyday systems that are at all tables. So history repeats itself in quantum computers. At first binary computers existed in large-scale laboratories.
But then the IBM PC (Personal Computer) brought computers to every home. The graphical interfaces made computers easy to use. And the final revolution in computing is the internet. That makes it possible, that everybody can search for information about anything that they want. That means everybody can self-educate to anything that they want. The pocket-size intelligent telephones make it possible that people can search for anything they want, anywhere they want.
Advanced AI can also help people to find what they want. And it can give pieces of advice on how to make something more effective. The AI can teach things like programming to all people. The well-controlled operating areas like programming where strict rules are the perfect operational area for the AI.
That is the last revolution in computing. But the revolution of computing is not ended yet. The next step was the quantum computers, and quantum networks and maybe we see the next step, the quantum PC or quantum personal computer sooner than we expect.
(1) https://phys.org/news/2022-07-electrons.html
(2) https://phys.org/news/2022-07-photonic-link-enable-all-silicon-quantum.html
Image: https://phys.org/news/2022-07-photonic-link-enable-all-silicon-quantum.html
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