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"I and penguins" or "How "self-experienced" can mislead people"

This is a tale of how "self-experienced" things can mislead people. And the topic of this text is simple, "I and penguins". 

This story is fictional, and I never visited the South Pole or Antarktean. But the purpose of this thing is simple, prove how the things that might seem wonderful give anything, or do they give very little to science or even regular people. Those films can give wonderful views. And interesting stories. 

There might be details that penguins can be over two meters tall. But most of those birds are not so big. And those penguins in the image above this text are not living in Antarktean. 

The story goes like this. The researcher will get a mission to go to Antarktean and get new information about the life of penguins. Those penguins are interesting animals. And they are very cute when they are waiting for eggs and their descendants. So our fictional researcher stands at the side of the penguin group and takes a wonderful film about that community. 

In that film, cute baby penguins are fighting against nature and desperately waiting for their parents are coming from the sea.  And bring food to those penguins. And then our fictional researcher can say, that there was 50 degrees frost in Antarktean. And of course, our fictional researcher can tell stories about frozen fingers and other kinds of stuff. 

When our researcher comes back from Antarktean that person can show this film to the entire audience and tell about the hard conditions where filming happened. And then the people are watching the self-experienced case and cute little penguins. But does that film bring anything new for the research?

When we are looking at research we must separate other things from research. Things like rescue medals are impressive. But they are bringing anything for those researches. 

When the researcher stands for a couple of months along with cute penguins that might look like intensive research. Also, things like stories about one person in the team who fell into the icy cave might seem impressive. That thing can bring the life-rescue medal for the team members, but for research itself, those things bring nothing. If those team members get rescue medals that thing is nice. But, the penguin research itself failed. 

But the fact is, that thing introduces one penguin group's life at a certain beach. The penguin will not spend its entire life as a baby. Someday penguins will grow into an adult. But another thing is that most of its life penguin spends in underwater conditions. 

Penguin hunts fishes and escapes predators like seal lions and other bigger threats deep underwater. So does that fictional film give any new visions or new data about the penguin's behavior in its normal element? Of course, our researcher can tell about things like frozen fingers. But the problem is that the frozen fingers have nothing to do with the mission. 

The thing why that film is more confessing than some literal research is simple. If some person makes literature-based research. That person would not give dramatic details for the job. The literature research means that person would loan a couple of books from the library and then sits behind the table. That person can introduce even thousands of PDF files. That researcher can find the maximum depth where a penguin can dive. 

That person can tell exactly what penguins are eating and what are their primary enemies. And there can be details on how penguin defends themselves. But there is the thing that this kind of research is not so dramatic as self-experienced. Things like being in danger seem impressive. But the fact is that those things have nothing to do with research that should handle the life of penguins. 



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