Wednesday, July 27, 2022

One thing about pressuring researchers.

Researchers are facing things like unsatisfying at least once in their life. There are always people who say that some research is not necessary, or there is a better place to put their money. Everything that does not support some people's way to see things. Is wasting of taxpayers' money.

When some researchers are making their research for the institutions like parliaments, there is sometimes a misunderstanding that those researchers should support the political atmosphere in that country.  So that thing means that research should support the politics and political line of the members of the parliament. These kinds of things are against the purpose of research. 

The research's purpose is to bring neutral and confirmed information for supporting decision-making. The purpose of research is not to support the political attitudes of people. So this is why people should understand that science and research are not democratic things. Even if we want to believe something, the evidence might be something else. And that evidence might be against the attitudes of most people. 

So the results of the research might be against the things that even researchers self wants to believe. And the results of the research might be against the national interest and even against the will of the big majority. When we are talking about things like national interest and especially national security we must understand a couple of things. 

There are no perfect solutions for those things. And the short-period benefit can also turn against the nation in the long period. When people are making decisions. They should realize that the political atmosphere can change very fast. Nobody can predict what is the great majority's opinion tomorrow. 

Another thing is that we should learn to see things that are happening the day after tomorrow. Some decisions might seem perfect. But they are always causing the counter-reactions. And that means we cannot please everybody in the world. So we should select the allies that are closest to our values. And the same way we should select do we want to make short-period decisions that kick back in the distant future. And believe me, many solutions might be easy to make. But they can turn very complicated and pressuring. 

One of them is to buy energy from a nation that doesn't care about international agreements. There is the possibility that this nation uses energy to pressure its neighbors. When neighbors are not pleased leaders of that country, its energy delivery ends immediately. 

When we think about Putin's way to make international agreements. Those agreements were meant to give Russians time to develop new nuclear weapons. Things like the Novichok strikes showed, that Russia still has a stockpile of chemical weapons. 

We must understand that energy dependence is the thing that attracts the use of that thing as a blackmailing tool. When some nations can use things like energy as a weapon or pressure tools we should understand that state uses energy as that tool

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