Monday, July 4, 2022

What have we forgotten about the UFOs?

When we see things like UFOs we always say that they cannot come from Earth. The reason is that they have so small size. But the fact is that those "flying saucers" can be made by using quite a conventional technology. If those systems use an external power source like powerful radiowaves or maser rays for taking energy. 

That thing makes it possible that those systems use simply laser-based ion engines or laser rockets. In laser rockets, the laser ray is used to expand air in the combustion chamber. And that thing makes those systems fly or at least travel in the air. 

Sometimes eyewitnesses report the ball-shaped object that hovers above the ground. By using some kind of laser ray. That thing could be the so-called laser-ion or plasma engine. In that system, the laser ray will ionize air that is pumped into the chamber from its sides. Then the system drives plasma through the magnetic accelerator. 

If the power of the laser ray is high enough it can replace the burning in the reaction chamber. The laser causes the expansion of air that is pumped into the chamber. And then the system will operate like a conventional rocket engine that uses only an unconventional system for creating pressure in the engine chamber. 

There is also the possibility that lasers can use to make the hot air cushion below the craft. That thing allows for improving the buoyancy of heavier-than-air vehicles. But the same system can also use with modern airships. There is the possibility that the ultra-modern airships are using electric arcs or some laser rays to create hot air in them. And that thing allows making them very unconventional-looking.

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