Above this text is the light cone. That thing doesn't attention to the curvature of spacetime in the gravitational field. The reason why photons and all other objects are facing time dilation in gravitational fields is that in a gravitational field. In gravitational fields, the light cone is like a pothole.
This means there is less turbulence in that pothole than in a straight universe. And that means the observer can see or interact with objects longer than in a straight universe. Energy also causes time dilation or slowing the time.
When a laser or some other source of wave motion pumps energy to photons they turn brighter. So the interaction between high-energy photon takes longer than with low-energy photons. So another name for time dilation is the "length of the interaction between objects that are in different energy levels".
The thing that makes negative energy interesting is that time is partially energy. When the energy in the universe ends material turns to wave motion. And time ends when wave motion turns straight. Time started in Big Bang. And it ends when the universe is facing its ultimate fate. The negative energy makes it possible that time travels backward in the material. That means the energy travels back into the material. But if negative energy exists.
It has also the same forms as regular or positive energy. So could every four fundamental interactions have negative versions? The negative interaction doesn't mean that the interaction just pushes and pulls particles. The term negative strong nuclear force is the case. Where pushing and pulling effects of the fundamental interactions are operating oppositely. The pushing and pulling sides of the strong nuclear interactions changed their place.
Same way in the negative form of weak nuclear interactions the W+ and Z bosons are acting oppositely. So the W and Z bosons are changed their places. Or W bosons operate oppositely to the regular or positive weak nuclear interaction.
We are not sure if negative energy is true. But if it's true. The negative gravitation is also true. But that type of energy is hard to describe. The reason for that is that the energy wave is like a hole that travels in spacetime. The fact is that there are lots of stories told about this strange energy. But things like Casimir-effect and virtual particles are forming positive energy.
If the virtual particle is the gravitational whirl that forms and disappears. The gravitational whirl is similar to skyrmion. And another name for that kind of virtual particle is the gravitational skyrmion.
Suddenly that whirl can form the virtual or negative energy to the point where it vanished or is ripped into pieces. The fact is this. If gravitational waves are wave motion they can form the gravitational whirls that affect other wave motions. When gravitation-wave whirl is forming it pushes other quantum fields from it. And when that whirl is gone. That causes an effect where wave motion travels in that area and forms a similar tower as the drop that hits the water.
Near black holes the thing called time dilation is extreme. When we are thinking that energy is the thing that causes time dilation we can explain that time dilation and energy flow to the particle-like photon turns it brighter. And that increase in brightness means that interaction between high-energy photons and third-dimensional space lasts longer than the interaction between low-energy photons. When the energy level of a photon or any other particle turns high enough that thing turns them into black holes.
As I wrote earlier the Schwarzschild radius is the distance of the event horizon to the center of the black hole. There is a possibility that if the gravitation is the quantum field around the objects there s a possibility that between the particle and that quantum field around that particle. Is the area where is the quantum vacuum.
And that vacuum along with the quantum field around the particle causes the particle will vaporize. The universe's expansion causes this quantum field is expanding when the size of the electromagnetic vacuum between particle and quantum field expands. That thing pulls the quantum vapor or waves motion away from the particle.
The negative gravitational center is like the hill in the universe. The negative gravitational energy waves are opposite to gravitational waves. When we are thinking possibility that negative gravitational energy is the thing that causes gravitational waves. That means the gravitational waves are the echo from something. That is very hard to understand. The negative gravitation is like the hill. And that hill pushes other gravitation away from the pothole.
Cosmic inflation means that the size of the space increases in comparison to energy and material. That thing forms when the size of the universe expands. In modern cosmological theories, the beginning of the universe was in a case that is called the Big Bang. During that case, all material and wave motion is released in the spacetime that we are calling the universe or the third dimension.
The strange wave motion that source is unknown rips the universe into pieces. And in some models, the source of that energy is in the middle of the universe. At the point where the Big Bang happened. In that model in the middle of the universe is the bubble where expanding quantum field forms the dark or negative energy. The idea is this when that bubble expands the quantum vacuum will pull spacetime opposite to regular gravitation.
When we are thinking of regular gravitation as the pothole the negative gravitational energy would turn that pothole into the opposite. That thing would be the gravitational hill in the point where the quantum vacuum expands too fast. That hill that forms in spacetime will send the waves of the dark energy around the universe and rips it into pieces.
The negative gravitational energy or empty gravitational hill causes the theory that could the dark matter be the negative material? The fact is that nobody knows if negative material even exists. If the dark matter is a negative matter we would see only the hole in the point where dark or negative matter is. The negative matter would feel opposite to "normal material", but that thing is hypothetical.
There is the possibility that the black holes are turning everything negative. That means the massive gravitation and energy turn the black hole into a negative material. And energy inside the black hole turns also negative.
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