When we see persons who are social withdrawal. We must ask one very important question. Are those people alone, because of their own will, or are they kicked out from the team? If the person is somehow different, that thing can cause other people to want to close them out from their group.
That thing can cause very big trauma for people who are trying to be social. If the only answer for the person who tries to come to talk with other people is silence or some "get lost" that thing can cause that person would not even want to talk with other people. The reason for social withdrawal can be that person gets bad feedback during the first years in school.
Social withdrawal is one example of the things like complicated psychiatric diseases like autism and schizophrenia. There is a genetic disorder behind those things. And the fact is that autism and schizophrenia are the most complicated psychiatrical disorders in the world. There is the possibility that an autist would not say a thing in the day, but the same person can play some symphony after hearing it once. Or otherwise, an artist can draw a perfect copy of the things by seeing them only once.
People like Albert Einstein claimed to have Asperger's syndrome. Which is one version of autism. Schizophrenia is even more problematic than autism. There are remarkable people like John Nash and J. Robert Oppenheimer that had schizophrenia.
Also the father of the Soviet hydrogen bomb, Andrei Sakharov had schizophrenia. But there is suspicion that the KGB made that diagnosis for political reasons. Schizophrenic people can see things differently. But that diagnosis is also used for delivering people to work camps in the Soviet Union.
The thing that causes social withdrawal in the cases when a person has schizophrenia is that those people are stigmatized as dangerous. In the cases of mental disorders, people are connecting those things with school shootings and other kinds of criminal behavior. The media makes sure that people know if some serial killer has some kind of mental disorder and that thing causes social isolation.
The fact is that the autistic person's ability to communicate with other people is limited. Social contacts stress them because they must use more energy for being social. And that thing causes problems with social contacts, and those people need also positive feedback for their attempts to make social relationships.
Maybe medicals can also help, but social contacts are not replaced by using some chemicals. But what would you do if all answers that you get, when you try to discuss with other people are some kind of "get lost"? Would you want to make contact with other people after those things?
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