Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The ancient bacteria can tell what kind of lifeforms is on other planets?

"Artist’s rendering of the process by which microbes captured sunlight for energy with rhodopsin proteins. Credit: Sohail Wasif/UCR" (ScitechDaily.com/Extraterrestrial Life: Ancient Microbes May Help Us Find Alien Life Forms). 

The thing is that. If the bacteria can capture sunlight for energy with rhodopsin proteins, that means there is quite a long-term evolution behind that thing. The first bacteria required the RNA or DNA molecule that orders it to create those proteins and also cell organelles that are made possible to create a membrane, ion pumps, and the energy creation molecules for that cell. 

Abiogenesis formed the first cells on the Earth. The reason for that is that there was no biomaterial on Earth. Biogenesis requires that there are cells and biomass. The creation of that biomass requires that there is some kind of bacteria or even primitive organisms. Those first organisms used non-organic material as a nutrient. So the alternative for abiogenesis is that life came from somewhere else in the Universe. There are Martian meteorites there are fossils of bacteria.

But the origin of those bacteria can be on Earth. Confirmation of the origin of those primitive, maybe cyanobacteria-looking fossils is impossible. Even if the primitive bacteria of the Earth came from Mars. That thing causes the question: how the life form on Mars? So that thing just moves that prime question farther. 

The Earth where the first microbes formed was different than it's today. The atmosphere was poisonous, and volcanic activity was more powerful than its today. Then the first organisms formed in the place called the primordial Sea. That primordian Sea could be separated from the ocean. Because chemical conditions in that pool must be stable enough that the RNA molecules and amino acids can form the first membrane for cells. 

The formation of the complicated molecules that the first cells needed requires chemical and physical stable conditions. The fact is that at the first were cells because viruses require cells to multiply. The first cells had no mitochondria. They got their energy from volcanic heat. 

Also, physical and chemical conditions must be so stable that the complicated molecules that formed the organs of the first cells are possible to form. Those first organisms had no enemy at all. The reason why I believe that the RNA formed the genomes of the first organisms is that RNA is a simpler molecule than DNA. The origin of the very first organisms on Earth remains a mystery. 

The fact is this. The first cells required membrane and cell organelles for making descendants. The thing is that there must be something that made the RNA molecule create the membrane for isolating itself from its environment. The reason why RNA turned to DNA is a mystery. And then another interesting thing is how the first cells got their cell organelles that are important for making the structures of another cell. 

And how the first RNA molecule formed is also an interesting question. Things like bacteria and amoebas are getting their genomes from their ancestors. But where did the first RNA start to create the organism? There were no cells. And cell organs at that time when the first RNA molecules formed. So where was the first RNA molecule to get the cell organs that made possible that it could create a cell membrane? 


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