Friday, July 8, 2022

The new record for quantum entanglement is 32 kilometers or 20 miles.

Researchers have successfully quantum entangled two atoms over 30 km of fiber optic cables, (New Atlas/Record-setting quantum entanglement connects two atoms across 20 miles)

There is virtual quantum communication that allows transferring of highly secured data over long distances. That system is based on the idea that the system shares messages between different broadbands. Each bite of those messages has the serial number that allows the receiving system to put them back to order. The system sends a message by using multiple broadbands at the same time. And because the message is shared between broadbands it's hard to open without permission. 

But when we are going to think of real quantum communication, we are facing an interesting thing. There is no limit to the distance of quantum entanglement. And theoretically, that kind of thing can offer the possibility to communicate between stars. The idea of interstellar quantum data transmission is simple. Two particles are superpositioned and entangled. 

Another particle of that particle pair is in the laboratory. And another is in the spacecraft that will travel to that solar system. The communication will happen by moving quantum entanglement back and forth. And that allows for the transmission of data between stars without black holes or breaking even Einstein's Theory of Special relativity. The quantum entanglement is like a stick between stars. 

When another part of this stick moves another part is moving too. So the interstellar quantum entanglement acts like the stylus of the old-fashion gramophone. And that allows it to transmit data between stars at a very high speed. 

The record-setting quantum entanglement is made through light cables. But the fact is that also the laser ray that travels through the air could make long-distance quantum entanglement possible.

The ability to make a long-distance quantum entanglement plays a key role in highly secured quantum communication. Quantum computers can crack any code that is made by using binary computers. But the thing that makes quantum computers useless for cracking the data is simple. If quantum computers use quantum encryption and quantum security. The quantum entanglement that transfers information between two quantum systems can be pulled inside a laser ray. 

So the laser ray protects the quantum entanglement. And if somebody tries to steal data that thing requires that the crossing quantum entanglement must pull through that system. The measurement tools detect the change in the energy level and warn about unauthorized attempts to steal information. 

The ability to transport data, between two quantum memories is the key element in fully operating quantum computers. The binary system loads data to quantum memory. And then that data will send forward in the form of the qubit. The data package will transmit to another quantum memory, and then it will be turned to binary mode simply by downloading each quantum state separately to the bit-row. 

That allows regular keyboards to work with quantum processors. But in the future, there is the possibility that quantum computers can operate straight with their users without a binary layer.


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