Tuesday, July 19, 2022

How can time move backward in a hypothetical mirror universe?

How can time move backward in a hypothetical mirror universe? 

Scientists believe that a mirror universe where time moves backward exists. The existence of that mirror universe explains the dark matter. But how time can move backward in that mirror universe?

The idea is that time is energy. When the universe sends energy outside it loses its weight. So the energy that flows outside the universe the loss of weight and energy causes particles are vaporizing or turn wave motion. 

If we think that time moves backward we should think that energy flows to the universe. If the energy travels to the universe. That increases its energy level and the energy level with particles and their environment. That ends the aging of those particles. 

Or otherways saying: wave motion or energy flow out from particles ends. And if the particle's environment turns to a higher energy level then the particle energy flow turns back in the particle. 

So how does time travels back in the hypothetical mirror universe? Simply, energy must flow to the universe. But that requires that the energy level of the universe is lower than its entirety. 

The idea is this. The material flows to the mirror universe. Not away from it. So the mirror universe pulls material inside it, and its mass will increase. The idea of the mirror universe theory is that energy flows in that mirror universe. Not out of it.

That kind of mirror-or mirror universe existence requires that the universe exists in an area that is at a higher energy level than itself. That causes the energy to flow to that mirror universe. This means that the mirror universe must stay inside another universe so that its energy level can be lower than its environment.  


There is one interesting thing that came to my mind. 

There is the possibility that there are two universes. The universe where we are living and another universe whose energy level is lower than our universe. When energy flows to that other universe time moves backward in that hypothetical universe. 

Then the energy flows to that lower energy universe until its energy turns higher. Then the energy starts to flow to our universe and changes the time to move backward in our universe. 


The situation where time moves backward in some universe requires that the cosmic inflation turns opposite. 

There is a theory that somewhere is a mirror universe where time moves backward. But how time can move backward? The answer is in cosmic inflation. The universe is in the middle of nowhere and energy travels out from the universe. So the vacuum outside the universe pulls objects outside because the area outside the universe is at a lower energy level than the universe. And that means the cosmic inflation never ends. Inflation continues forever even if there are other universes. 

But if we think of the form of a hypothetical multiverse we must realize that the size of the particles can be different than the particles in our universe. And that could mean that we cannot see those other universes. There is a 2/3 possibility that our universe ends its life in the cosmic silence. That means the entire material turns to wave motion that continues its journey forever. 

One of the interesting things in this model is that the size of particles changes all the time. The size of the particles in the past is different than the size of particles in the future. The reason for that is, that those particles' energy levels are lower in the future. The reason for that is the expansion of the universe. 

So there is the possibility that even if those other, still hypothetical universes are forming of similar material to our visible material. We cannot see them. If those other universes are born at different times the size of particles and the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation inside those universes would be different. 

But if the ultimate fate of the universe is the big crunch. That means time starts to travel backward. If gravitation will win. That means the ratio of space to matter and wave motion decreases. And the universe turns extremely hot before the big crunch. And that means the entire material can turn to wave motion or superstrings anyway. And at this point, I must say. That nobody knows the ultimate fate of the universe. 

Cosmic inflation is one form of the time. 

The energy that was released during the Big Bang is the same as at the time. When the energy level in the universe decreases. That thing causes energy flows away from particles until the quantum system finds the balance. But because the universe is in the middle of nowhere or in the quantum vacuum that means it can never find energy balance. Energy will flow out from the universe all the time. And whenever energy travels outside the universe it loses its mass. 

All energy that can interact with material that we know is released in the Big Bang. And when the space expands but the mass of energy, wave motion and particles is the same that thing rips material into pieces. That thing means the material is vaporizing or turning to wave motion. When the energy level or temperature in the universe decreases that thing causes that material turns to wave motion. 

The cosmic inflation or expansion of the universe causes the quantum system never finds balance. Because the electromagnetic vacuum outside the universe is much larger than the universe itself. That thing causes, that sooner or later the entire material turns to wave motion unless the gravitation will win. But there is only 1/3 chance that gravitation will win. 







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