Tuesday, July 12, 2022

What makes quantum entanglement so special?

The terms "superpositioned" and "entangled" particles are well-known to people who work with quantum technology. The superposition means that the particle is in two places at the same time. And the quantum entanglement is shown in the film above this text. The thing that forms quantum entanglement is the superstring that acts like a belt between the particles. 

Every particle in the universe is covered with hair. That hair is the quantum vapor or small-size wave motion. That quantum hair makes the particle interact with other particles. 

That hair causes the quantum friction that moves energy to the particle's environment. And the reason why neutrino can travel through planets is that neutrino is slight. That thing removes the quantum friction. 

The belt or superstring touches the "hair" of the particle. If the particle is too slight the quantum entanglement cannot be done because that superstring slips on the quantum field of the particle. The quantum friction with the "hairy" particle makes the quantum entanglement successful. 

Why quantum entanglement is hard to make between hadronic particles?

Then another remarkable thing about quantum entanglement is that it's successful only between elementary particles. Normally photons are used for that thing. The reason why protons and neutrons are difficult to superposition and entangled is that they are not elementary particles. 

This means their quantum fields are not touching elementary particles in those subatomic particles. The quantum entanglement requires that the quantum field around particles is stable. There are small dents in hadron's quantum fields. Another reason for difficulties in making quantum entanglement between hadrons is that when energy impacts their quantum field it pushes the quantum field inside. 

When the energy level of the quantum field is high enough it will jump back and send the radiation or wave motion. The oscillation destroys the quantum entanglement. And it just throws the belt that connects those particles away. There is the possibility that by using a powerful energy load the quantum field of hadrons can push so tight that quantum entanglement is possible. 

But for working as the part of a quantum computer another side of the superpositioned and entangled particles should have a higher energy level. Energy or information travels in the quantum entanglement like in all other quantum systems. The information travels from higher energy levels to lower energy levels. If those sides of quantum entanglement are at the same energy level the information flow ends. And that destroys the quantum entanglement. 


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