Friday, July 22, 2022

Genetic engineering and technology are the tools, which give more abilities than ever before.

Genetic engineering and technology are the tools, which give more abilities than ever before. And that means we must have a responsibility to make this work. 

There is a small movie clip above this text. Maybe this thing is true sooner than we expect. The background and philosophy of the creation of cyborgs and genetically engineered humans are always the same. That is getting the new abilities. That makes humans better and more effective than ever before. The philosophy behind genetic engineering and cyborgs is taken from Friedrich Nietzsche's over-human or overman model. And the purpose of this research is to make humans more capable. 

And that's why some people are interested in things like vampires. The fact is that the tissue of bats and reptilians is healing very fast. And that ability could be possible to transform human cells. That makes it possible to create tissues for accident victims very fast. And maybe those genomes will transfer to the astronauts that are researching our solar system in the future.  

But there is the possibility that there are some other backgrounds in genetic research. The creation of robots that are controlled by human brains gives abilities to people that they never had before. The robot bodies can have quadcopters inside them. And that makes it possible that cyborgs can fly. The EEG-controlled robot can be remote-controlled. But it can involve living brain tissue. 

Genetic engineering makes it possible that maybe in the future. People can order certain abilities for their children. They might choose if their child is musically gifted. And then the laboratory workers are making the artificial DNA that will inject into the egg. 

Cyborgs or robots that are mixed machines and living organisms are reality. The microchip-controlled bugs and prostheses are controlled by using brain-implanted microchips are the tools of modern engineering. And the fact is that things like biological power-production which mean that the cells of an electric eel would create electricity for the robot's body are making it possible to create robots that can eat the same food as we eat. 

The same microchips that can control robotic prostheses can control the entire robot body. And modern biotechnology makes it possible to transfer entire brains to the robot body. That system requires the living bone marrow would put in the body. And then that robot requires an artificial stomach and digestion system that delivers nutrients for the living neural system. 

Things like robot bodies are fascinating tools. But genetic engineering makes it possible to create extreme humans. Those creatures can transmit their abilities to their descendants. 

And that is one version of controlled evolution. When our understanding of the DNA turns deeper. We can control our and other specie's evolution more accurately. Than ever before. The researchers found that the "junk DNA" involves data that is key to brain development. And that opens new visions for genome therapy. 

The reason why some people are interested in vampires. Is their ability to control other people. So the researchers are making models of what kind of DNA that kind of creature needs. 

If the "Dracula creature" must just bite the victim it only requires to produce of tetrodotoxin. That poison is one of the poisons that fishes are creating. That poison causes death because the exposure happens in underwater conditions. The victim pulls water into their lungs.  But on the dry land, the tetrodotoxin turns a person into a zombie that makes everything that the master says. So there is the possibility. That some researchers already created the microchip-controlled hybrid snake that creates tetrodotoxin. 

Sometimes some researchers asked, why Dracula cannot look at mirrors? The answer is that Dracula uses the contact lens that gives flashes with the same frequency as the alpha EEG of the brain. Those flashes cause the targeted person would face an epileptic seizure. But that kind of creature can be a so-called genetically engineered human. 

And then some researchers made a hypothetical model of what that kind of creature can be. The creature called "Dracula" requires. That creature requires the ability to change its neural system electric level. When the neural system of that creature is lower energetic it can receive the electric signals from other people's nervous systems. 

And when it's at a higher energy level it can send the electric signals to another species' nervous system and take it to control. That "Dracula creature" can also slip a couple of its neurons into the smell coil of the victim. And then control the victim by using the neurotransmitters. 

Bioluminescence is giving an ability to flash the light by using a certain frequency. If those bioluminescence cells have folds that can very control the frequency of the flashes of light. The deep-sea fishes can flash their light organs very fast. And if the genomes that make it possible to control those flashes are transferred to some artificial, genetically engineered creature. That thing makes it possible to create a creature that can cause epileptic seizures.

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