Wednesday, July 6, 2022

X-37B has set a new flight record.

The mysterious X37B robot plane has been spent in space for over 770 days. And the thing that makes this plane mysterious is its secrecy. The X37B is only 8 meters long and the small size of that plane means that there are made experiments that don't require large-size space. The type of those tests is classified. But there is the possibility that those tests that must be made in a remote-controlled laboratory module have something to do with nanotechnology. 

When we are thinking about the purpose of X37B, we must remember that the space shuttle is the platform. So the small-size system can use as a remotely controlled laboratory. But there are rumors that X37B can be also the ASAT (Anti-Satellite) weapon. Or it can also use as an orbital bomber. There is the possibility that the mysterious EM-drive or microwave drive of NASA is an antisatellite weapon. 

The microwaves will aim to target satellites, and that thing destroys at least satellite electronics. There is also the possibility that small-size chemical lasers which are used in the metal industry can install in the cargo bay of X37B. 

The fact is that. The small hydrogen bomb can be put in the cargo bay of the X37B and then the system can be used as an orbital cruise missile. If the war doesn't begin the shuttle can bring that hydrogen bomb back to the ground. If the weapon must be used the cruise missile can dive into the enemy target and detonate itself. 

The fact is that there is the possibility that the X37B has many missions like some chemical tests. But it can also be used as a high-altitude recon platform. There is the possibility that X37B has ELINT missions but one of its missions can be to search other satellites. The purpose of that shuttle can be to look for marks about secretive satellites has been tried to capture by the Chinese or Russians.


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