Thursday, July 14, 2022

Albert Einstein and gravitation.


Above:  The gravitational effect on photon's trajectory. 

Albert Einstein's idea of the gravitation effect on light is one of the most interesting things in the history of science. Einstein proved that gravitation affects the trajectory of photons.  And that idea made the theory of black holes true. But the thing is that gravitation affects always the speed of light. If something can change the particle's trajectory, that thing can also slow and make it travel faster. 

Today the black holes' existence is confirmed. So people know that a powerful gravitation field can pull light inside it. Also, things like gravitational lenses are proven and confirmed things. The gravitational lens means that the massive object like a galaxy acts like a lens and changes the trajectory of light. 

But gravitational lenses are also caused by the idea that because gravitation affects light, photons and wave motion travel slower when they are traveling out of the gravitational center. The photon should travel faster than other photons when it travels to the gravitational center. And that thing means, that also planetary-size objects could increase the speed of light because their gravitational fields will pull photons to them. So that means the speed of a photon rises when it travels even to the weak gravitational center. 

Einstein's theories are fantastic. But when talking about the theories of natural sciences we must realize that all theories have their limits. The Theory of General Relativity is the theory that is meant to model the behavior of the particles in heavy gravitational fields. The idea of that theory is that there is no straight universe. 

All, even the weakest gravitational centers are curving the universe. So there is no straight universe in the real universe or world. To find a straight universe, we should go so far from our universe that the gravitational effect of our universe will not affect our entirety. In that place, there is the straight universe. 

But when we are looking for limits of the Theory of General Relativity, we must realize one thing. That thing is this, the requirement for the environment where the Theory of General Relativity can use to model things is that escaping velocity must be lower than the speed of light. The Theory of General Relativity models the curvature of spacetime. 

And when the escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light. That turns the curvature of the universe opposite. So time moves backward in the areas where the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light. But the limit of the Theory of General Relativity is at the point. Where the escaping velocity is the same as the speed of light. 

This limit that everything modeled by using the Theory of General Relativity must happen in a gravitational field where escaping velocity is lower than the speed of light makes it difficult to model events that happen in the singularity behind the event horizon. 

But otherwise, if the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light. There are no known things that can escape from that area. Because gravitation affects all things in the same way no known particle can escape from the area behind the event horizon or the point, where escaping velocity crosses the speed of light.

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