Saturday, July 2, 2022

The form of light. Is a photon a static object? And is light the wave motion that travels between photons?

Above: The Artist's view of a photon or quantum-size white hole is hanging at the quantum-size wormhole that conducts energy or wave motion, which falls from the fourth dimension. (Pinterest)

When do we think about photons as the key to finding the truth about faster-than-light travel and the existence of the mysterious graviton we should find the answer to the key question, why the photon has no mass? But it can transfer information? The answer could be different than nobody even dare to think about. We know that light has two forms. Those forms are wave motion, and particle forms. 

The reason why a photon has no mass could be that the photon is simple to "hairy" for measurement. That means that the "hair" would make the situation that the energy travels out from the photon it forms a hairy quantum field. And that causes that photon will hover away from other particles. 

So the quantum pikes or energy flow from those "hairs" causes that photon will push other particles away from it. That thing means that photons will tunnel to the walls. And tunneling effect is the thing that makes lasers work. 

Are photons the quantum-size white holes? 

That thing brings one interesting idea to my mind. That thing connects the graviton with the photon. Could a photon be the static particle that hangs from the fourth dimension? 

The idea is that the photon could be a small white hole. The graviton would be tensor, the channel where energy falls from the fourth dimension. 


How black hole makes an object travel to the fourth dimension? The answer is easy: a black hole pumps so much energy to those particles that the third dimension cannot keep those particles inside it. 


The photon would be the bubble that is in a stable location. Or, rather saying photon would be the point where energy or wave motion comes out from that tensor channel between dimensions. And the thing that travels in the universe is wave motion which is the energy that comes out from a tensor called the graviton. 

When the energy level of the photon rises. That thing will turn the tensor channel between it and the fourth dimension shorter. That makes it possible to make quantum entanglement between photon and hypothetical tachyon particle. Theoretical tachyon would be the particle with the lowest energy level in the fourth dimension. 

The fourth dimension is the energy level where the object will vanish. That means the event horizon is the energy point where is no return.  

If the fourth dimension is real that means hypothetical tachyon is real. When an object needs to jump to the fourth dimension. So the quantum field ahead of the object will push the object back to the third dimension because energy is starting to travel out from the object. That denies the crossing at the speed of light. 

So there is a possibility that the object will make superpositions through those tensors with tachyons. And tachyons will pump energy to that object and pull it to the fourth dimension. But that requires that the tachyon exists. 

So that thing causes the question of what is the event horizon? The event horizon is the point where escaping velocity of the black hole will reach the speed of light. But the fact is that the event horizon can also describe an energy level that makes particles jump out from the third dimension. And what happens when a particle falls into the black hole? Or how it can jump to the fourth dimension if energy falls from the fourth dimension to the third dimension in that channel?  

When energy falls from the fourth dimension it starts to interact with space and send powerful radiation. When an object falls into a black hole. It will travel against that energy or wave motion. That wave motion loads energy to the particle. And sooner or later, it will jump to the fourth dimension.

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