Thursday, July 28, 2022

NASA:s new mission to return samples from Mars astonish the world.

The new mission where probes are bringing samples from planet Mars to Earth can be even more interesting than the JWST telescope. For the first time in history. The mineral samples will be taken from another planet. And take it to a special laboratory.

And one of the reasons why NASA wants to make that mission is fossils that are found from meteorites. Those samples can answer was there some kind of bacteria living on Mars. There was water on Mars before it lost its lithosphere and there could live some kind of primitive procaryotes on Mars. If that thing is true the next question is where life was formed. 

The fact is that water is more common in the universe than nobody expected. And even if there is no free oxygen in the atmosphere of some planets the hypothetical lifeforms can create oxygen straight from water by cutting water molecules by using electricity. Those cells can form electricity by using similar cells that electric eels use to create electric shocks. And the electric cells can get their power from photosynthesis. The fact is this. 

The first bacteria on Earth were not vegetables or animals. They were photosynthetic creatures that could move. Free oxygen was poison for those bacteria same way it poison also to some anaerobic bacteria. So maybe that kind of creature formed also on other planets. And then impact with asteroid ended the story of the life on Mars. 

Maybe those samples that NASA brings to Earth can confirm that theorem. But there is the possibility that those fossils are not covering the entire red planet. They might exist only in places where was no ultraviolet radiation. And there is a possibility that samples are taken from sterile areas. 

And there is, of course, the possibility that those bacteria will not be found on those samples. That can tell that there was no life on Mars. But it's always possible that the rover that takes those samples accidentally collects stones where are no fossils by selecting them from next to stones where are fossils.


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