Friday, July 1, 2022

The dream about transhumanism

Even if we are not been close to creating genetically engineered superhumans 4 years ago things like rapidly advancing computer technology along with nanotechnology advances might make us rethink that possibility. 

4 years ago we believed that our genomes are so unique and hard to control that there is no way to make genetically engineered superhumans. But fast advancing technology makes re-estimation of that though necessary.  

The main goal of this text is genome transplant. There is always possible that the person will use things like implanted microchips that allow them to click themselves on the net anytime when they want. But the thing is that genetic engineering is also an interesting thing. 

The thing is that those DNA transplants can affect the natural behavior of species ever researched. By using bio-and genome technology is possible to make artificial cells. And researchers can replace even large-scale neural damages by using cloned neurons. The problem is how to transfer memories to those cells. 

But researchers are made bigger monkey brains by using genetic engineering. And maybe that kind of research will someday quite soon make it possible to make humans with larger brain capacity than ever before.

When researchers found genomes that are controlling our senses they are making it possible to change those genomes and replace them with genomes of another species. Genetic engineering makes it possible to create genetically enhanced humans that have better senses or what are more intelligent than other people. The problem is that we don't know how much DNA that is taken from another species affects the behavior of the receiving species. 

Genetic engineering will allow making customized persons. There is possible that the people of the future are transformer the researchers will manipulate DNA sequence that controls the advancing of senses like eyesight can replace with the structure of the DNA taken from the species like an eagle. 

That allows humans can get the eyesight that is so accurate as eagle's eyesight.  The possibility that genetics gives unlimited changes.  The researchers can double genomes that control things like genes that are controlling the advances of brains. So they can double those genes. And that makes it possible to create superintelligence.

But the thing is that genetic engineering. Along with nanotechnology, that allows the creation of humans who have abilities that nobody has before. One possibility is that the people who have chlorophyll in skin cells would become true. That means those "green men" would have skin that can create sugars by photosynthesis. But the genetic engineering is making many other possibilities. 

Researchers can find the genetic origin of certain traits in genomes. They can search for things like the genes of Albert Einstein. And connect those genomes to other people's genomes. The thing is that the high accurate DNA transfer means that if researchers want to make a copy of Albert Einstein they must only make a clone of Albert Einstein's neural structure. So the genetically engineered "Einstein" could be the opposite gender of than original Einstein. 

They can search the sequences that are common in famous scientists' DNA. And compare those DNA sequences with the DNA of the entire population. 

If there are certain DNA sequences those researchers can start to find similar sequences  When we are thinking about extreme people like some special forces troopers their genomes can uncover what kind of genetic structure the perfect soldiers have. Genetics is one of the most interesting and powerful tools that humans have. 

The ability to interconnect species is making new kinds of threats. When some species will hybridize that thing causes the behavior of species will change. And that is one version of the dangers of genetic engineering and genetic manipulation is that we are creating a hybrid species that behavior is different than both of the original species. 

When genomes will transfer between species. The researchers must be very careful. When they make genetic transfers. Researchers must transfer only the wanted genomes. If there are some other bites of the DNA. That thing can cause unknown behavior or even unpredictable abilities to species and individuals targeted for genome transplant.

They allow making life better. Genomes that cause alcoholism can cause problems in a person's social life. So what if researchers can remove that genome away from the human population. Also finding the genome that causes sociopathy can make streets safer. Those genomes are controlling non-wanted traits. When researchers found genomes that are controlling certain behavior. That is allowed to use in the selection process of the astronauts. That thing also allows researchers to track dangerous people from society.          

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