Friday, July 15, 2022

MIT astronomers found a strange radio signal.

Astronomers detected a persistent radio signal from a far-off galaxy that appears to flash with surprising regularity. Named FRB 20191221A, this fast radio burst, or FRB, is currently the longest-lasting FRB, with the clearest periodic pattern, detected to date. Pictured is the large radio telescope CHIME that picked up the FRB. Credit: Photo courtesy of CHIME, with background edited by MIT News ( “Boom, Boom, Boom” – MIT Astronomers Detect a Strange “Heartbeat” Billions of Light-Years From Earth). The source of that signal could be a distant neutron star. 

MIT astronomers found a strange radio signal. That signal is the longest known FRB (Fast Radio Burst) in history. If the source of that signal is the neutron star or magnetar. The question is, how it can be so powerful? Normally FRBs:s remain only a short time. 

MIT astronomers found a strange radio signal which looks like a heartbeat. Its source is billions of light-years from Earth. This kind of signal might have a natural source like some magnetar or regular neutron star that signal is magnet lensed. When the radio signal travels through space, and whenever the radio signal travels through magnetic fields those fields can increase its power. But that thing is only one hypothesis. Strange radio signals are always interesting. 

And in some wild theories, some of those signals could be the radio lighthouses of intelligent civilizations. The idea of that hypothesis is that the hypothetical aliens would send the strange-looking radio signals for aiming their telescopes to the right positions. And that allows transmitting data between those alien colonies and their central government. Also, those radio lighthouses would allow their spacecraft to aim at the right targets. But as I wrote that thing is only one hypothesis about the source of those strange radio signals. 

The fact is this the source of those strange radio signals remains a mystery until the telescopes could capture the first images of the source of those strange energy eruptions. Before those images, the source of the radio signals is a mystery. Maybe the JWST telescope can see what caused the BLC-1 (Breakthrough Listen Candidate) signal from Proxima Centauri. 

But the distance to Proxima Centauri is only 4,24 light-years. The signal that MIT researchers found is coming from billions of light-years away. As I have many times written. The BLC-1  is the interesting same way as the Wow!- signal, it has ever repeated. That means those signals are unique and that makes them interesting. 

The calculations give a hint that the source of the Wow!-signal could be in a distant sunlike star 2MASS 19281982-264012 about 1800 light-years from Earth. That thing opens interesting visions about the source of the Wow signal. If that signal source is at that star. The Wow!-signal traveled 1800 years to Earth. 

There is introduced an idea that some comet has caused those signals. But the problem is that the comet's position or chemical composition of that comet must be unique. 

The thing is that the source of those signals is a mystery. The interesting thing is how some comets can have unique chemical compositions. Or why do some natural reaction happens only once? The natural or "non-intelligent" reason for those signals causes interesting questions. And one is why that thing happened only once? 

And one thing about aliens and garbage. 

There is one bad joke that can turn nightmare. In some visions, the aliens would empty their craft's chemical toilette to space. There those things would turn ice immediately. And that thing could explain why some comets have a unique chemical composition. 

Who says that this is a bad theory? If aliens are real and they are traveling in interstellar space, there is always garbage that forms in their spacecraft. Maybe they throw something away. And maybe some of those things that they remove will travel to the Kuiper belt of some solar systems. And maybe someday we will find those things like broken electric circuits or biological waste from the Kuiper belt.

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