If we think carefully about the possibility that some civilization conquer the universe. Maybe in the distant future, we are that civilization. There is a possibility that in a couple of hundreds of years in the future the first spacecraft will travel to Alpha Centauri.
We must realize that civilization can travel hundreds or even thousands of years between the solar systems. If those creatures use giant artificial worlds called O'Neill cylinders. In those cylinders, rotational movement forms the artificial gravitation.
The major problem of interstellar flight the enormous distances in the universe. If faster-than-light travel would not successful there is the possibility to use slow spacecraft for that kind of journey. There is the possibility that the advanced bio- and nanotechnology make the crew of that craft immortal.
That means the nanorobots could fix the DNA of the crewmembers. When the DNA is damaged the nanorobot could make a copy of the original DNA. And then the nanomachine just replaces the old DNA by using new DNA where those damages are repaired.
If the population of the crew is high enough that thing denies the degeneration. That hypothetical civilization could send a fleet of O'Neill cylinders. And each of those cylinders would be one population. In that model, the crew of each of the craft would degenerate.
If those creatures would live in a zero-gravitational environment for their entire life their muscles would be so weak that they cannot be dangerous. That means the O'Neill cylinder's rotation movement stopped in that period.
There is one thing that became to my mind about "alien abductions"
Could those alien abductions made for installing the microchip or so-called record machine in the human nervous system. In that case, somebody would want to record things that person sees and senses by using those microchips. And when the person dies the stealth-craft would collect those microchips and download their information to the computers.
This idea is from the idea that if researchers could decode the animal's EEG signals they could implant a microchip into the animal's brains. Then that microchip records everything that animal sees and feels. This could be a good way to collect data from the animal's life without disturbing their everyday actions.
But when the fleet of those crafts will come to target solar systems the population will be interconnected. And that thing allows the creation of the "super population" by using pure line hybridization.
Another version is that our hypothetical civilization uses cloned embryos that are frozen in zero kelvin degrees. When the craft is closing its target those embryos will be grown in an artificial womb. The artificial womb is the container where cloned tissue would feed the embryo and fetus. Then the system transfers necessary data to their brains by using the electric stimulation that is driven through the cortex.
Or maybe those travelers use powerful nanotechnology that allows them to repair their genetic material. So that the hypothetical crew will be immortal. In that model, nanomachines will repair the damaged DNA of that crew.
Why we are making models of the hypothetical interstellar civilizations? The reason is simple. Maybe someday we are the civilization that travels in the universe. If we think that we exist when the Sun uses its final energy source and explodes as nova those people must leave this solar system. And if our descendants would travel to other solar systems they must collect all possible information about those targeted solar systems.
There is lots of time for the first interstellar journeys. But maybe those things are possible after a couple of hundreds of years. Our society must change very much. And for those journeys is needed enormous technology and lots of work. And maybe we are the more intelligent aliens who meet primitive civilization in the Milky Way.
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