There are many stories on the internet. Where some people ask, "is interstellar travel possible?". We should rather ask a question, can we travel to our nearest solar system and get the crew back alive? The fact is that we cannot get the original crew back alive from Alpha Centauri. And the senders of that hypothetical crew will never see the return of the craft.
There is some kind of idea that the crewmates will clone themselves many times during the flight. That thing happens by chancing genomes in the nucleus of some big cells. And then the memories of those people will transfer to their brains. That kind of technology can someday make it possible to conquer the entire universe.
But then we must realize that we never ourselves visited another planet than our moon. The automatized systems are researching the planet Mars and other internal planets. There is only one moon, Titan where the probe has ever landed outside the asteroid belt. But astronauts are visited only on our moon. And that's the point of interstellar travel.
Even our solar system is a little bit too big for us. The journey to Saturn took nearly seven years. So the mission to Saturn and back takes 14 years minimum. In this model, the spacecraft will not slow down when it starts to reach the sun. The system would fly to the Sun and launch the return capsule from the side of the Sun. And the gravitation of the Sun will slow its speed.
The thing in the first interstellar flights is that they might be probes. The system makes the flyby of the solar systems and shoots the sub-probes in it. That means the main probe must not slow down. And then those sub probes will break their speed by using the brake rockets.
But the fact is this. We are taking the first steps in space explorations. Thigs like Alcubierre drive are far away in the future. The model of the full-scale warp spacecraft is interesting. But then we are facing another important thing.
If we can make the quark travel with the speed of light. That doesn't mean that the same technique works with spacecraft that weight is tens of thousands of tonnes. But the quark is a good beginning. Using the quarks as exhaust gas allows for to use of more highly energetic particles than photons for thrusting rockets. But those things are far in the future.
We should create more powerful technology for those interstellar missions. Another fact is that we are creating our first theoretical models for interstellar technology. But we must realize that interplanetary missions are still not routine to us. And interstellar crafts are more enormous systems than any "seriously planned" nuclear rocket can be.
But technology advances very fast. And who would believe during the time of Viking probes that someday the unmanned rovers travel on the surface of Mars? Or that the small helicopter will research its atmosphere. The highly advanced artificial intelligence can control systems in complicated circumstances.
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