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Could time move backward if the universe's ultimate fate a big crunch?

"In our conventional experience, time always runs forward, and always does so at the same rate: one second per second. But if there's a link between entropy and time, and we could reverse the thermodynamic arrow of time, could all of that change" (BigThink/Will time run backward if the Universe collapses?)

The fact is that there are two versions of the time. The first version of time is the result of cosmic inflation. Cosmic inflation means that the space concerning wave motion and material, like particles, expands. That means the distance between particles expands. 

Big Bang released all energy, wave motion, and particles into the universe.  When the space turns larger, the distance of particles expands. And the quantum fields are turning weak. The universe is like a bubble in the middle of nothing. And that "nothing" pull the universe larger. 

In that case, time is visible in the vaporization of the material. Or otherways saying vaporization means that particles are turning to wave motion. There is a 2/3 possibility that the ultimate fate of the universe is that all particles to wave motion. And that means the universe continues its expansion forever. 

But there is a 1/3 possibility that the ultimate fate of the universe is the big crunch. That requires that the universe is spherical. And during the big crunch, the wave motion and distance of the particles turn thicker. During Big Crunch. The energy flow must turn backward. That means there must form some kind of thing like a hyper massive black hole or some kind of supervoid that starts to pull the universe back in. 

The process can go like this. At the first in the universe forms the area like Boötes void. Then some kind of galaxy was left in that void. After that, the void will collapse. And the collapsing void pushes that galaxy into one giant black hole. Maybe that kind of monster could stop the expansion of the universe. 

The energy level of the universe is turning higher. And that thing can cause. That material or particles would get back wave motion that it loses during cosmic inflation. This means the material itself turns younger. 

The time is the reaction when material turns to wave motion.  So the time is linear energy flow away from the Big Bang. Because the universe expands the quantum fields are turning weaker. Expansion of the universe causes all material or particles are sending wave motion. 

Whenever some particle sends wave motion it loses a little bit of its mass. And that energy flow continues until the energy level between the particle and space around it is the same. And that thing is not possible. Until all particles are turned to wave motion. 

But another explanation for the time is the linear series of things that are happening. We can turn material younger by pumping energy into it. Or actually, we can slow the aging of particles by pumping energy into them. 

The second version of time is the things that we are seeing. If we are dropping glass that class will be broken. But can things happen backward that we are seeing that glass jumps up from the floor? And then the glass will return to its form. That thing is a mystery. Time is connected with the vaporization of the material. 

But that version of the time doesn't seem to affect things that we see. Or of course, we have the thing called time dilation. Time dilation makes it possible that time moves backward, but does that affect the glass that is dropped from the table? Would that glass jump back to the table and back to one piece? This is a nice thing. But the fact is that we don't know if that case is possible. 

Time dilation means that time moves slower on objects that are in the energy fields or are stressed with energy radiation. In that case, the time dilation means that the particles will get an extra energy load. And they are turning brighter. So we can interact with them longer time than with lower energy particles. 

But if we want to think about the Big Crunch the time will dilate, because the energy level in the universe is rising. But if we want to turn time backward we must travel inside the black hole where gravitation will cause an effect where escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light. 

At the speed of light, the time dilation causes that time stops. The reason for that is that the wave motion cannot escape from the object. But the case that time moves backward requires that the object crosses the speed of light.



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