The new technology could allow computers to do complicated tasks more quickly and accurately while using much less energy. (ScitechDaily/Computer Chips That Imitate the Brain)
The new microchip imitates human brains. And that thing makes it amazing. But the fact is this also quantum computers can imitate human brains. There are needed three different quantum systems. The ability to turn this kind of system into a quantum model can someday make the possibility that quantum computers can turn more intelligent than humans.
Two bigger systems are imitating the brain proper or big brains. And the third quantum system has the same role as the cerebellum. So that system operates similar way to human brains.
The idea of this system is that if two bigger quantum systems will get the same solution, the system's decision would be the thing that those frontal systems decide. If the frontal systems get different solutions. The third system selects the better of those two solutions.
Quantum entanglement is one of the problems with a fully working quantum system that controls things like robots. The continuum in the quantum entanglement is one of the things that gives the quantum computer the ability to control a robot in a hectic world.
If the continuum of the quantum entanglement and the error management of the quantum computers is done. And guaranteed that thing makes them the ultimate tools for driving highly advanced and complicated AI algorithms.
Hydrogen ions in the nickelate enable one of four functions at different voltages (applied by platinum and gold electrodes at the top). The functions are artificial synapse, artificial neuron, capacitor, and resistor. The capacitor stores and releases current; the resistor blocks it. Credit: Argonne National Laboratory ( Chips That Imitate the Brain)
The first reason why the superposition cannot stay forever is that the superpositioned and entangled particle pair reaches too high an energy level. When the energy level of the quantum entanglement turns too high the expanding quantum fields between particles are pushing those particles away from each other. That thing breaks the quantum entanglement.
Another reason why quantum entanglement lasts only for a certain period is that the energy level in both ends is superpositioned, and entangled particles turn stable. Energy, or otherwise saying, information travels between superpositioned and entangled particles like in all other quantum systems. Energy or information flow will travel from the side that is at the higher energy level to the side that is at the lower energy level. The reason for that is the system attempts to reach energy stability.
When superpositioned and entangled particle pairs reach energy stability, that thing means that energy and information flow between those particles ends. And if the energy and information are not traveling between superpositioned and entangled particles the quantum entanglement is useless. The energy flow between those particles is necessary if the system wants to transport information.
In quantum computers, electric oscillation is more important than the power that the system uses for data transportation. But if qubit uses too high an energy level. There is the possibility that the data is lost because the system cannot detect the quantum states or quantum levels of the qubit that has too high an energy level.
One of the solutions that could make the long-term quantum entanglement is the pulsating energy pump to another or transmitting side of the quantum entanglement. That means the system transmits data to that extremely important part of the quantum system by using chancing power levels. In the pulsating mode of the data transmission's power, the quantum entanglement can remove its energy level when the transmitting power is turning lower. That denies the over-energy load to that system.
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