Australia’s first major contribution to dark matter detection, the ORGAN Experiment, is now online and searching for dark matter, bringing us a step closer to solving one of the biggest mysteries of the universe. ( Matter Experiment Set To Help Solve the Biggest Mystery in the Universe)
Researchers hope that dark matter experiments can give at least some answers to the biggest mystery in the universe: why there is no other interaction between visible and dark matter than gravitation?
Dark matter is mysterious because of its gravitational effect, which source is unseen. There is no visible source for that effect. And there is suspicion that some kind of material is causing that gravitational effect. There is a misunderstanding that dark matter is only invisible material. But that is not quite right. There is no other visible interaction between dark matter and visible material than the gravitational effect the source is unseen and unable to interact with visible matter.
So maybe someday we can get an answer to what kind of thing causes the mysterious gravitational effect whose source is unknown. There is suspicion that dark energy. Or at least part of dark energy is forming in an oscillation of the dark matter particles. But we don't know if dark matter has some kind of form as wave motion or free superstrings, or if dark matter also has particle form. Or is it something more exotic than those possibilities?
The reason why dark matter doesn't interact could be that dark matter pushes visible matter away from it. Or in some other theory, the dark matter can tunnel itself through the protons and neutrons and between quarks and gluons. In some visions, dark matter is the bond between gluons and quarks. So those bonds are forming the mysterious gravitational effect. But that theory is just theory.
Nobody has seen the dark matter. And that means the form of dark matter is a mystery. It could be some kind of tensor or virtual matter. It could be free gravitons. But proving that thing is difficult without interaction with visible particles and dark matter. And everything is theory until it is proven right or wrong.
Here are three possibilities of what dark matter can be.
1) Could dark matter be free superstrings?
In that theory, dark matter is forming of wires or strings. That means it doesn't have the form of ball-shaped particles. If the form of dark matter is string or wire. That could explain why dark energy is invisible. In that model, short and very thin strings move back and forth. So the form of dark matter would be like a whip.
They are sending very low wave motion. Because that wave motion is so low it's invisible. The reason for that is the wave motion tunnels itself through the material. So that wave motion can tunnel itself between quarks and gluons without causing interaction. In that model, the small wave motion pushes quarks and gluons away from each other. And that explained why that wave motion is invisible.
2) Dark matter is a virtual matter or free gravitons.
In that theory, dark matter is virtual matter. The idea is that the hypothetical graviton particle is a small size black hole. Or its similar effect with electron-hole. That means the graviton would have so high energy level that forms the empty channel or tensor between the third and fourth dimensions.
There is a possibility that gravitons are inside the bonds between gluons and quarks. That means the graviton could be the tiny wormhole that connects quarks with gluons. But that thing is pure speculation. But if that thing is true the oscillating wormhole would send wave motion through the universe. And that thing explains also the dark energy.
3) Dark matter is similar to visible material, but it has a different energy level.
The idea is that dark matter has a higher energy level than visible matter. That thing causes the size of gluons and quarks that are forming dark matter to be smaller than similar particles of visible matter. The idea is that the bonds between those smaller quarks and gluons are longer.
And that allows that dark matter can tunnel itself through the visible matter. When high-energy particles of dark matter that are connected with long bonds are impacting the particles of visible matter away from their way. So that idea caused an induction idea that there is the possibility that someday researchers can create dark matter.
4) There is the possibility that cosmic inflation has something to do with dark matter or dark energy.
The cosmic inflation or expansion of the universe causes the material to be vaporizing. Or it turns to wave motion. That thing can cause the small bonds or bridges between quarks and gluons to oscillate. That oscillation can send wave motion through the universe. And when that wave motion hits quantum fields it can form small, short-living particles or virtual particles. The effect similar to two pressure waves is hitting each other. They are forming a whirl.
And those quantum whirls can form the gravitational centers. So that way thinking about the wave-particle duality or the short-living particles can explain the reason why dark matter cannot react with visible matter. There is no time that this whirl can interact with anything. So the only thing that uncovers the existence of that matter is the gravitational effect that forms at the point of that quantum whirl. That is one possibility for the form of dark matter.
See also:
Dark energy
Dark matter
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