Sunday, July 31, 2022

Chaos is more common in societies than we ever thought.


Chaos and order. They are the presence of the individuals of the groups. When we look at wild animals, and especially herd animals like buffaloes at first we see that all buffaloes are in a form. That seems random. They are grazing and enjoying their life. The fact is that in that herd the direction of the animals is ordered. They are all looking in a certain direction. 

And when they see some predator they give a warning sign. Then the herd starts to get the order. When buffalo sees a predator it must decide does it run or fight. If some lone cat is treating the herd the buffalo might want to fight. But a herd of big cats is too much. When those animals are getting a "warning danger" signal. They start to get certain orders. 

We are seeing that when something like lions is threatening the herd those animals are starting to run by following a certain order. That order is made to protect those big vegetarian animals. But it's also a sign for other predators and preys that lions are hunting. During that hunt, lions must leave their puppies unattended. And the eagles and some other predators like hyenas can steal those puppies. 

That's why lions want to end their hunt soon as possible. Every moment when lions are hunting their puppies is in danger. This is the reason why animals are screaming when they are under attack. The purpose of the scream is to call another predator to hunt that attacking predator. And turn its attention away from the prey. 

Same way lions are starting to follow certain choreography when they are searching for their prey. But no group is under attack all the time. When lions get what they want rest of the group can go for free. The free time means that buffaloes can also rest. During that time the buffalo herds are grazing. They are, of course, attended. But those animals are doing their things. 

That is the normal way to act in nature. When lions and other beasts are eating their prey the other, grass-eating animals have their free time. Of course, buffaloes are not the only grass-eating animals. And they are living in groups. Someday the lions will get other animals like gnus. Or they will select some other buffalo groups. If some animal group is often under attack there will become weak and old individuals to some other group or population. 

And then predators sooner or later choose easy targets. We must remember that predators are not hunting for pleasure. They hunt for a living. Without prey also predators will die. Buffaloes are dangerous also for their predators. If their horns will hit a predator that can cause dangerous injuries. So that's why predators are searching for weak and ill individuals.

To find out those weak individuals. The predators are following certain choreograph before they attack. But when an attack is done. The rest of the prey herd can rest for a while.  During that time those animals are not in order. They eat grass and enjoy their life. Until they will get a signal about danger. 

In an ecosystem, chaos is more common than people think. The herd animals seem very organized. But those animals are spending lots of their time in the unorganized form. So the ecosystem or society is organizing when they need that ability. The herd animals like lions, wolves, gnus, and buffaloes can organize their group when they need that ability. But those animals have also their own free time. During that time they are, taking care of their fur, and resting.

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