The space would be a good place for a fusion reactor. That reactor can deliver energy to the entire Earth. And the new aerial systems like plasma-jet engines need more and more energy.
The idea to use an orbital fusion reactor is interesting and it's like in some SciFi vision. The fusion reactor can make one model of energy supply possible. That model is that the systems that are operating in the field don't have an internal power source.
All energy that those systems use is delivered to them in the form of radio or maser rays. That allows connecting power supply and communication. And the orbital fusion reactor will also work as an orbital laser weapon because those high-power lasers can also use as weapons against hostile targets.
The orbital fusion reactor can use vaporized lithium-deuteride as fuel. The lasers or microwaves will melt the lithium deuteride. In orbital trajectory is no oxygen that can detonate the lithium hydride that is used as the fuel.
And then, the system drives vaporized fuel to the accelerator. In that accelerator, magnetic fields and laser rays will start the fusion. The problem with lithium-deuteride and its use in fusion reactors is that this material is high inflammable. If there is any oxygen in the melting process that causes detonation. But there is no air at orbital. So there melting of the lithium can happen without the risk of oxygen contact.
There are two ways to make the orbital fusion. The first one is to use internal fusion in the chamber. In that system, fusion will happen around the laser element. And that laser will send energy to the wanted point.
And the second one is to use two crossing ion beams. Al laser ray will aim to the point where those beams with different polar ions will cross and that allows making the artificial sun in the orbiter.
The orbital fusion reactor is not the only way to make powerful energy rays. There is the possibility that positrons or anti-electrons can be produced from the electrons of the solar wind. Then those positrons will put to react with electrons around the laser element. And that thing can use to make powerful energy sources.
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