Monday, August 1, 2022

Black holes and time.

Time started in the Big Bang, but are there situations in the universe, where we could see the past? When we are thinking about the things like Black holes time should travel backward in those objects. The reason for that is the massive gravitation field where the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light should turn time travel backward. When the speed of the object reaches the speed of light time stops. 

And when the speed of an object crosses the speed of light that should turn time backward. The only known place in the universe where that happens is a black hole. So if time travels backward in a black hole everything comes out from it in the point of spacetime where the black hole formed. The thing is that this is only theory. And nobody is sure if is that thing real. If that thing is true, the black hole is the loop in spacetime. That brings the material to the same point where it was born. And that means the black hole itself is a wormhole through time. 

But the fact is that gravitation affects all particles and objects in the same way and that means all objects are falling through the event horizon at the same speed. 

The event horizon is the place where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. So light will drop to a black hole only inside that point. But does the time turn backward? The black hole pulls all objects inside it at the same speed. And that thing means that the wave motion or object that comes behind the first object through the event horizon, cannot reach that first object. So the first object cannot get energy from backward. 

The black hole is in the gravitational pothole. There is less turbulence near that object than in other places in the universe. The gravitational pothole means that an object is visible longer than in a normal universe. 

We should realize that the black holes are curving the universe. All objects are falling at the same speed and that means there should not be energy flow between objects inside the black hole. Except if the objects are not impacting with the other objects and wave motion. 

But the object that travels inside the black hole gets energy only from wave motion and objects. That is coming against an object. Or the objects are facing sideways coming objects or wave motion. The fact is this when the object travels behind the event horizon any other object or wave motion that comes from the backward cannot reach that object that comes ahead. This is the special thing in the black hole.

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