Tiny swimming drones can search for life in the oceans of the distant worlds like oceans on the icy moons of Jupiter. The system that delivers those drones into the ocean might look like a virus. The system can make a hole in the ice by using lasers.
Or some other electromagnetic radiation. Then the system delivers those drones to the ocean. The drone swarm can use cloud-based network architecture for handling information. And they must operate very independently.
And those drones can send information to the surface module. The surface module will transmit that data to Earth.
But there must be an alternative system. That ensures that data can send to Earth. In the cases that the surface unit fails. There is the possibility that when the surface unit makes a hole in the ice. That system will fall through the ice core.
"In the Sensing With Independent Micro-Swimmers (SWIM) concept, illustrated here, dozens of small robots would descend through the icy shell of a distant moon via a cryobot – depicted at left – to the ocean below. The project has received funding from the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts program. Credit: Jet Propulsion Laboratory" (Phys.org/Swarm of tiny swimming robots could look for life on distant worlds)
The drone swarms at another planet are interesting things. But also places like the South Pole on the Earth are places where those swimming drone swarms are suitable for mapping the lifeforms. Swimming nano-drones can also measure pollution and other kinds of things.
But the drone swarms are also suitable for searching and observing things like submarines. The AI-controlled swimming drone swarm can slip to submarine bases and can search for secretive information.
Those microrobots can carry by using miniature- robot submarines that are looking like torpedoes. But if those drone swarms have a suitable power source those drones can also swim to their target independently. The carbon-fiber materials and nuclear batteries make it possible that the quadcopters can operate underwater and in airborne conditions. The carbon fiber materials are making it possible. That those drones can swim very deep.
The new radioisotope technology is making it possible to make very small-size interchangeable radio thermal generators. Those systems are like normal batteries. But their energy source is in a radioactive breakup.
Those nuclear batteries can install in regular drones. And they are easy to handle. So they can offer operational time that lasts for years for even regular small-size quadcopters.