Thursday, June 30, 2022

A Swarm of tiny drones can search for life from distant worlds.

Tiny swimming drones can search for life in the oceans of the distant worlds like oceans on the icy moons of Jupiter. The system that delivers those drones into the ocean might look like a virus. The system can make a hole in the ice by using lasers. 

Or some other electromagnetic radiation. Then the system delivers those drones to the ocean. The drone swarm can use cloud-based network architecture for handling information. And they must operate very independently. 

And those drones can send information to the surface module. The surface module will transmit that data to Earth.  

But there must be an alternative system. That ensures that data can send to Earth. In the cases that the surface unit fails. There is the possibility that when the surface unit makes a hole in the ice. That system will fall through the ice core. 

"In the Sensing With Independent Micro-Swimmers (SWIM) concept, illustrated here, dozens of small robots would descend through the icy shell of a distant moon via a cryobot – depicted at left – to the ocean below. The project has received funding from the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts program. Credit: Jet Propulsion Laboratory" ( of tiny swimming robots could look for life on distant worlds)

The drone swarms at another planet are interesting things. But also places like the South Pole on the Earth are places where those swimming drone swarms are suitable for mapping the lifeforms. Swimming nano-drones can also measure pollution and other kinds of things. 

But the drone swarms are also suitable for searching and observing things like submarines. The AI-controlled swimming drone swarm can slip to submarine bases and can search for secretive information. 

Those microrobots can carry by using miniature- robot submarines that are looking like torpedoes. But if those drone swarms have a suitable power source those drones can also swim to their target independently. The carbon-fiber materials and nuclear batteries make it possible that the quadcopters can operate underwater and in airborne conditions. The carbon fiber materials are making it possible. That those drones can swim very deep. 

The new radioisotope technology is making it possible to make very small-size interchangeable radio thermal generators. Those systems are like normal batteries. But their energy source is in a radioactive breakup.

Those nuclear batteries can install in regular drones. And they are easy to handle. So they can offer operational time that lasts for years for even regular small-size quadcopters.

Sky Cruise is one of the wildest aviation innovations ever seen.

Sky Cruise is an enormous, nuclear-powered drone. That concept allows flying luxury hotel service for 5000 passengers. In that concept, there are swimming pools and hotel rooms with restaurants inside that massive hyper jumbo-jet. The Sky Cruise can stay airborne even for years. And that thing is opening interesting scenarios also for things like interplanetary missions. 

The Sky Cruise concept can operate in atmospheres there is no oxygen. The plasma-jet engines make it possible that the giant flying laboratory can send to the Venus or even to the atmospheres of gas giants. This kind of nuclear-powered aircraft can also operate as a flying aircraft carrier. And it can also transport division with all its equipment across the ocean. 

The idea for Sky Cruise could be from the "Avengers" movie. In "Extreme tech" mentioned that DARPA wants to build the similar flying aircraft carrier that is in that movie. (ExtremeTech/DARPA wants to build an Avengers-like flying aircraft carrier, to make drones even more effective)

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The use of nuclear power in aircraft is not a new idea. The USAF made test flights by using NB-36 "Crusader" from 1955-1961. The NB-36H was the nuclear-powered version of the B-36 "Peacemaker". (Wikipedia, Convair NB-36H)

In fictional movie "Avengers", the heroes operate with a massive flying mothership. In some visions of the future. There are massive nuclear-powered quadcopters. Those quadcopters are operating as platforms for many types of missions. The fact is that nothing except the power source limits the size of the quadcopters. 

Boeing company introduced one of the most interesting visions of a flying aircraft carrier. There the giant Boeing-747 jumbo-jet carried small jet fighters. That giant Boeing 747 would launch those miniature fighter jets in the air. The Boeing 747 in question would be equipped with a service glove where those fighter jets would be re-equipped.

Things like F-117 "Nighthawk" attack aircraft, could be launched from C-5 Galaxy cargo planes. The brake chute will pull that aircraft out from the backdoor of the cargo plane. And there is the possibility that this kind of small jet fighter can fly in a cargo plane. 

And nuclear-powered quadcopters can be even larger than an aircraft carrier. But as you know nuclear-powered aircraft are possible to make. When we are thinking about things like flying aircraft carriers there are concepts where drones are dropped from the cargo planes. 

And the same cargo planes can offer to refuel and rearming for those drones. In some visions. There is a manipulator arm at the back of the C-130 cargo plane, and that system will pull the drone into the cargo plane for rearming.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Flying cars are back in the spotlight.

The flying cars or rather-saying cheap and flexible VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) aircraft that can travel on highways and by air are probably the next-generation systems for many purposes. Those flying cars are suitable tools for avoiding rushes. Flying cars can move people to remote areas. 

They can replace traditional ambulance helicopters or small-size police helicopters. The term flying car means a low-cost helicopter that can operate also as a car. One version is the quadcopter-based solution where those wheels are turned into propellers. 

If we think of the solution where propellers are in the tubes that makes the system less vulnerable. If VTOL-system uses traditional rotors where one contact with a wall can break the blade. 

Or they can fly to the roofs of the buildings. That low-noise vertically operating systems can carry servicemen and tools to roofs. But the fact is that those systems can also be equipped with machine guns and anti-tank missiles. And that makes them flexible tools for many things. 

Their drivers can drive them straight out from flying cargo planes. And then they can travel on the ground or by flying. New computerized stabilization systems and highly advanced AI makes those systems safe. And one important thing is that the flying cars that are using blowers can move through air faster than traditional helicopters. 

Those small aerial vehicles can move faster than sound. By using the electric jet engines. There is possible to make hybrid engines where propellers inside a tube give thrust when the vehicle moves slowly. And when the speed of the craft is rising. The propellers turn into straight plates. And the electric arc is made by using those propellers as electrodes allowing those systems to reach incredible speeds. The electric jet engines can be quite small and effective systems. 

The system can use remote electric load like some kind of maser system. This kind of thing can be a very powerful tool in the civil and military world. One of the weapon solutions for flying cars can be the flying car bomb. The weapon could fly to its target like an airbase as a missile. And then that missile would turn to drive on the ground against the armored doors of aircraft bunkers.

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How to colonize the galaxy by using very slow crafts?


How to colonize the galaxy by using very slow crafts? 

There is the possibility that we ever can make things like FTL (Faster-Than-Light) technology. But there is another way to travel between stars. And that technology is called "generation ships". Those crafts would reach about 1-20% of the speed of light. 

And that thing means that travel to the nearest solar systems takes even thousands of years. In that version, generations will change inside the craft. And when the journey ends to Alpha Centauri or Bernard Star the people inside that craft are forgetting the Earth. And they might think of their craft as home. 

Those generation ships require lots of genetic material. For denying the genetic matter degeneration. The degeneration predisposes the organism to hereditary diseases. So the crew must modify the genomes of the next generations. So that the variation of the DNA is high enough. 

That craft could be a giant O'Neill cylinder. And when that cylinder travels in interstellar space the rotation movement that forms the synthetic gravitation field will be at a minimum. In that case, the purpose of synthetic gravitation is just to anchor things like vegetables to surfaces. The crew members would be physically very weak. And when the craft closes its target the rotation speed will increase. 

That makes those persons stronger. And when the colonization begins. The rotation speed must be so high. That artificial gravitation is at the level of the targeted planet. So in that case in the middle of that cylinder must be magnets that are making the core resist the centripetal force of fast rotation movement. 

The Tipler cylinder can travel between stars.

If the sum of the speed of rotating plasma and escaping velocity crosses the speed of light. That should make time move backward. So by thinking that way the time travel to both sides is possible. The idea is that when the speed will reach the speed of light. 

That thing causes the time will stop. And if the gravitation field causes that energy level rises higher than the speed of light. That thing makes the time will start to move backward. 

 In that system, the time dilation will be made by using the rotating plasma layer. When plasma rotates a cylinder with the speed of light. That stops time inside that structure. Tipler cylinder can make time dilate and travel to the future. 

But can Tipler cylinder travel to the past? The theory goes like this. If the speed of plasma whirl is the same as the speed of light in a vacuum the craft must just go near some gravitational center like a planet, star, or black hole. Then the sum of the rotation speed of plasma and the escaping velocity must just cross the speed of light. That thing can turn time travel backward. 

When we are thinking about the very slow spacecraft there is. The possibility that the cylinder-shaped craft would be the so-called "Tipler cylinder". The Tipler time machine must not be fast. The system can make time dilation by rotating the plasma around the cylinder. 

Some researchers have introduced a model of interstellar spacecraft, where the O'Neill cylinder will equip with two layers. And between those layers, the magnetic fields will rotate plasma with the speed of light. The system might look like an induction electric engine. In the place of the rotor is the plasma whirl that rotates between stators. 

When the plasma whirl rotates between those layers at the speed of light that thing causes time dilation. This is one version of the futuristic system that can use to travel between stars.

SETI and research. Can JWST find planets that are orbiting sun-like stars in the habitable zone?

NASA launches the rocket from Australia to search for star conditions that support life. That thing means that the "Proxima message" caused some kind of critical thoughts. The BLC 1 (Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1) could be a manmade radio impulse. But the question is again the same with the Wow! signal why it happened only once? If some kind of weather or some other effect causes those signals. That thing should happen more times than once. 

The thing why many researchers do not believe. That the origin of the BLC-1 or "Proxima signal" is in Proxima Centauri. Is that Proxima Centauri or Alpha Centauri C is a red dwarf. Those stars are very small. And their planets are locked which means another side of those planets in the habitable zone will be extremely hot. But there is also a Sun-like star in the same direction but 3000 light-years away from us. 

Image 2) Venus 

Venus is the "sister planet" of Earth. But greenhouse gases are making the surface the hell where the temperature is over 500 degrees celsius. The lowest temperature on planet Venus is -45 degrees celsius. So there could be a very small area where some organisms can live. 

One of the reasons for the hellish temperature is that the length of the day of planet Venus is about 243 days. And all that time the sun is shining to the dayside of Venus. So Venus is one example of an almost locked planet that orbits a yellow star. (Wikipedia, Venus) 

Image 3) The stellar classification. 

There are two types of habitable worlds in the universe. 

1) The worlds where life can form and advance. Those planets should orbit yellow spectral class G or maybe the brightest orange spectral class K stars. If the star is between 0,7 and 1,04 solar masses. That thing makes it possible that there are good conditions for the born of life. If it orbits in a habitable zone. 

2) The worlds that technically advanced civilizations can colonize. Planets that are orbiting red dwarfs are those planets. The advanced civilizations can dig tunnels under the planet's surface and use the energy that the red dwarf gives. 

The fact is that habitable zone. And the existence of liquid water depends on a couple of things. The distance of the planet is a very important thing. But there must be hydrogen and oxygen or some icy comets must bring water to that planet. So there must be also water. And the planet must have a magnetosphere that denies solar wind from destroying those water molecules. 

Then the chemical composition of the atmosphere must be right. A large mass of greenhouse gasses can turn the planet into hell. This thing happened on Venus. But a large number of greenhouse gases can make it possible that the liquid water can exist farther from the distance of Earth than we ever thought. 

The NASA rocket should assist the JWST telescope to search the planets. That is in the habitable zone of the stars like the Sun. This thing means that there is the possibility that the JWST will find planets that are orbiting red or orange stars in the habitable zone. This time the system will be assisted by multiple smaller satellites and highly advanced artificial intelligence.!_signal

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The discoveries in genetics are making it possible to create cancer vaccines and artificial lifeforms and explore the origins of life.

Image 1) "Origin of Life” artist’s concept. (ScitechDaily/Incredible Virus Discovery Offers Clues About the Origins of Complex Life)

The new virus renews our understanding of the origin of life. 

This virus can be the key to solving questions when eukaryotic bacteria are born. The first bacteria that were born on Earth were prokaryotes. They had no nucleus. Then some kind of mutation made the nucleus in those cells. The nucleus protects the DNA against electromagnetic radiation. And that thing was a fundamental advantage. 

The order of born of life:

1) First-born organisms were prokaryotic cells. The very first cells got their energy from the volcanic heat. For being real cells. Those primitive cells required mitochondria and cell organelles that made the membrane for those cells. In history, mitochondria have been independent organisms. 

Today mitochondria live in symbiosis with all cells with an internal power source. The cell is delivering sugars to mitochondria that are giving energy to it. 

2) Then born viruses. The viruses might advance from the DNA bites of those prokaryotes. Some people think that viruses were unsuccessfully split bacteria. They had protein-membrane and DNA (or RNA) but no other cell organelles. 

3) The viruses connected their genome to the prokaryote. And that thing made it possible to make eukaryotes. Cells with a nucleus, cell organelles, and cell membrane. 

There is suspicion or hypothesis. That some viruses slip into the prokaryotic bacteria. Then that virus connected the DNA (or RNA) of that bacteria to itself. The eukaryote required two genomes. The first is how to make a cell membrane. And how to make a nucleus structure in the cell. The cell must also have cell organelles that are giving energy to it and make the protein membrane for the cell. That kind of ability is very interesting because it opens new roads in genetic engineering. 

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Image 2A) Simplified structure of a mitochondrion (Wikipedia/Eukaryote)

Image 2B) The endomembrane system and its components ((Wikipedia/Eukaryote)

Image 2C) Diagram of a typical prokaryotic cell (Wikipedia/Prokaryote)

Cancer vaccines

Cancer vaccines are vaccines whose principle is the same as other vaccines. The idea is that the immune system detects cancer cells and destroys them. The customized cancer vaccines made separately for each individual are easy to make by using the person's tumor cells. Or if the person would not have a tumor the person's cells can turn into cancer cells by using radioactive stress. 

Then developers must kill those cells and separate the membrane proteins from the cells. And then those proteins will just inject into the person. That thing makes it possible to create a preventing cure for cancer. And that thing might save many lives and save lots of money. The cancer vaccines are the thing that can be very revolutionary. 

DNA-based mimicks of cytoskeletal filaments for reversible assembly and cargo transport.       Credit: University of Stuttgart and Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research ( step toward synthetic cells)

Artificial cells can use to give genome therapy. 

Biotechnology allows to making of artificial cells. Those cells can use in bio or nanotechnology. If the artificial bacteria can change the genomes from the cells. That thing can use to give genome therapy. The idea is that the bacteria will destroy the genome of targeted cells. And then bacteria can inject another DNA into the cell. 

This is one version of how the new biotechnology can bring fundamental things to our life. If we are thinking about the controlled evolution there is the possibility that in the future. Researchers are transferring the genome that allows some mammals to live in the desert without water to humans. That thing makes it possible to make humans that must not drink so often.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Researchers found genomes that control the advance of our senses.

Researchers found the genomes that are controlling our senses. Or they found the genetic origin of our senses. That thing gives information on how our sensory cells and neurons that control our senses are forming. And that thing can use to make organisms like bacteria that are following images even from the computer screens. 

That kind of research can help to find why some people turn blind. And why do some people have things like sensory hypersensitivity? There is suspicion that people who have sensory hypersensitivity. Have too many neurons for handling the senses that hypersensitive sensor sends. That means one sense turns too dominating. 

The things like genome tests are opening the road to a new type of diagnosis. Things like sensory hypersensitivity along with ADHD are the reason for genomes. That means those things can detect in genetic tests. And things like therapy can begin at an early age. And of course, if the sensory hypersensitivity is in an audition that kind of person can use earplugs. 

Those genomes are opening fascinating ideas for developing artificial species that have no certain senses. The ability to connect genomes between species is making it possible to create new species. The ability to connect genomes makes it possible to create the bacteria chains. That are following certain images. This thing makes it possible to create bacteria that can capture images from the computer screen in physical form. 

The idea is that the bacteria chain will put itself over certain images. And if it can see those things it can connect also virtual images to nutrients. Those bacteria can be fluorescence. And that means they can detect by stressing them with UV light. Or the small amoeba that detects the letters by using eyesight can drop fluorescence chemical to the point of letters that it sees on the computer screen. 

If we can create the bacteria line that follows the image. That thing makes it possible to capture images from computer screens in physical form. This thing requires that the bacteria can connect the image to the food. And that's why that bacteria chain can have the basil with cloned neuron as the locomotive. And then the basil makes the daughter calls that it drops at a certain point.

The single-atom tractor beam is powering electromagnetic catalysis.

The tractor beams are here. They are effective only in atom-sized devices. In those systems, the photons are used to turn the atoms in the right position. So that they can form bonds more easily than without that position. And those kinds of things can be extreme tools. 

The system can turn things like enzyme molecules in the right position. It allows the system can adjust the enzyme's surface layer and their effect with very high accuracy. 

Those optical systems can use to make nanomachines and other kinds of systems like ultra-small microchips. The optical tractor beams are the next-generation tools in many areas. They can use to make complicated molecules or move single atoms on the layers. 

Optical tweezers are one of the solutions that can revolutionize technology. The idea of the tractor beams is not the new one. There are made pressure-wave-based tweezers that can use to move the miniature microchips and put them in the right position. The problem with microchips is that if somebody touches them with magnetic tools that thing can delete the program of that microchip. 

The pressure or optical tweezers are working in the same way. The wave motion will focus in the middle of the structure. And then those energy or pressure waves are anchoring the object to the right position so that the operator can move it to the right place. 

So that's why this kind of system is interesting. The tractor beams or the pressure tweezers can use also for rising things from the ground without touching them. This is why people like criminal investigators are interested in those systems. Things like quadcopters can equip with pressure-based tractor beam systems. And they can pick evidence up from the ground. 

But is it possible that the tractor ray from UFO cases will work in real life? The system could use simply light that turns atoms in our body in the right position. Then the system will pull the person to the craft. The idea is that the system turns water molecules in the same position. And benefit the polarity of those molecules. And then the magnets will pull the person or object to the craft.

Teaching physics allows AI to make autonomous discoveries.

The AI is a suitable tool to make astronomical discoveries. All objects in the universe are following the laws of physics. And things like dangerous asteroids can search by using AI-boosted telescopes. The AI is an excellent tool for searching for changes from the images taken during certain periods. The AI can see if some point is moved. And that is the mark of the new asteroid or even planet. The AI can search thousands of objects. 

And that makes it an ultimate tool for astronomers. Searching new planet is not very dramatic. Astronomers are just looking at the points in two images taken in a certain period. And if one of those points is moved there could be the planet or dwarf planet or asteroid. That work is very boring. And it can leave to the AI. 

The AI can search for changes in those points and then check from the database. If there is some asteroid in that trajectory. Then the AI can take an image of that asteroid and compare it with images of known asteroids. That thing makes it possible to compare those images by using face recognition software. And that thing can tell if there is a similar asteroid in the database. The fact is that there could be many dwarf planets and asteroids that have the same trajectory. 

Physics is one thing that can be useful for AI that should make discoveries. Physics and mathematics are things there are strict rules. And that thing is necessary when researchers are making the AI that can make discoveries. Things like Kepler radius are always the same. And the Kepler radius depends on the size of the star. These kinds of things are the tools that AI needs to find new planetary systems. 

The problem with new astronomical tools like JWST-telescopes is that they send very big data mass. And that data mass requires analysis. Finding planetary systems and exoplanets is quite boring work. The system must wait that the planet will travel between Earth and a distant star. And then the research team must search for changes in the star's brightness.  

This kind of method is useful. But it requires intensive measurements and a little bit of luck that the astronomers can notice the changes in the brightness. 

To observe changes in the star's brightness. The telescope must keep aimed at that star all the time when the planet makes its overpass. This is why the most exoplanet systems are orbiting red dwarfs. The orbit time of those planets is only a couple of days. And all the time when the telescope is aimed at a certain star. It is reserved. And out of other work. 

Red dwarfs are so small that planets are causing wobbling in their trajectory. And that's a good hint for astronomers. But if we want to search for habitable planets we must realize that those planets are orbiting very far away from very massive yellow stars that are giants to red dwarfs. Even our entire solar system doesn't have a big effect on the trajectory of the sun. 

Planets of red dwarfs are cold or they are locked. But if we want to search for planets that are orbiting yellow stars like our sun in its habitable zone we are facing one problem. The planet's overpass takes longer. And there is the possibility that the trajectory of that planet is askew that planet will not cross the plate of the star. 

That kind of planet requires more intensive work. AI is a very suitable tool to hunt planets. It can measure the changes in the brightness and changes in the dust disk around stars. Those deifications are suitable to find exoplanets from around young stars. 

The problem with hypothetical technical civilizations is that they are living on very mature planets. Mature planetary systems are cleaned from dust and ice. And that means finding those really interesting planets requires something else than searching for densification from the dust and ice.

How a particle can store information in multiple states same time?

What quantum superposition means? Or how a particle can store information in multiple states same time? The answer is in the form of a quantum field around the particle. 

The image of the whisk can portray what the quantum field of subatomic particles might look like. The redshift supports that model. If the particle moves in space behind it the wavelength of radiation gets longer. And the spectrum travels to red. If the particle is a little bit stretched that thing explains redshift. 

If the quantum field is forming of the quantum wires or quantum lightning. When those wires are at the N/S position they can allow the wave motion can tunnel itself through that quantum field. This is one explanation why dark energy will not affect the material. if the radiation pushes those quantum wires away from their route. That thing allows that the wave motion will not transfer energy to the material. 

The term quantum superposition means that particles like photons or electrons are in two positions or two spaces at the same time. In quantum computers, this means that objects are storing information on multiple levels. And that thing is possible if the quantum field that surrounds the particle looks like a whisk. 

In that model, the quantum fields forming the quantum field are like strings or quantum lightning that are orbiting the particle. Each of those stings or quantum lightning can have a different energy level. And every single quantum wire can store information independently. So reading information from every wire requires very high accuracy. This is why the quantum computer must be in a very stable space. 

When researchers are making superpositions. They are just trying to superposition those wires or quantum flashes of lightning separately. The high accuracy makes it possible to make more quantum states for quantum computers. And that increases the power of those systems.

Quantum mechanics allows every single wire can remove from the particle and drive to long distances that allows message can travel between atoms. And that thing opens interesting visions. This kind of information is very hard to detect. And because it's packed in that string. The system detects immediately if somebody stole the information.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Simulations are making the R&D process cheaper.

Mixed reality is an excellent tool for making simulations. 

There are many versions of the virtual worlds. Some of them have no touch with the real world at all. Those virtual worlds are products of imagination. Some other virtual worlds can be so-called mixed reality worlds. 

Things like computer games can use to research and develop tactics. The gamers are playing things like war simulations. And then the AI selects the most successful ways how to make some things. The war simulations are a good example of how to use virtual worlds and virtual reality in R&D work. 

Those mixed-reality worlds can be spaces that are scanned by using lasers. The term "mixed reality" means that the real-world and virtual worlds are mixed. The mixed reality can use to control remote-controlled robots from long distances. The things that robots see and hear are transmitted to the controller's virtual reality set. 

The VR systems can also use to control hypersonic aircraft. The problem with those extremely fast aircraft is the pressure that impacts the aircraft's nose. If the nose of the aircraft can make by using the same material and form the same layer that makes the aircraft more sustainable. So the camera systems are transmitting data to the pilot or remote controller that uses the VR systems to get information about the environment. 

The mixed reality systems can contain many parameters. They can have the cell cultures in the laboratory or even in the nuclear reactor hall. Those cells can be packed in the boxes where the walls are made of the material that is used in protective suits. Then system observes how long those cells are living under radioactive radiation. And when an operator like a fireman operates in some harmless space the system tells when that person got too much radiation by using data that is collected from those cell cultures. 

But the thing is that also robots can wear VR sets. That thing makes it possible. That robot can practice how to operate in virtual areas. So the robot can operate in virtual space. The operators can make the labyrinth by using wires and paper. And the operator can see the scanned corridors. 

The use of virtual spaces makes research of robots cheaper. And those robots can practice operating in areas where it's hard to get access. The robot can get scanned images about things like nuclear power plants. So the robot can practice how to move in that place without being there physically. 

The fact is this in this type of mixed reality simulation where the robot is following the road that is marked by using wires and board elements that can move to different places are easy to build. And they are also easy to remove. That kind of mixed reality training site allows that robots must not take anywhere. So making the research is cheaper because the research team can be in their hall. And that thing makes R&D work easier.

Five revolutionary cosmic ideas turned out to be wrong.

In the beginning, I must say that proving some of those claims right or wrong is a hard thing. The things where the universe began are limited to the Big Bang. And what happened before the Big Bang is purely hypothetical. 

Where does the material come from, and what is dark matter? Dark matter is dominating part of the material in the universe. And this is why we should say that visible material is a very unusual thing in the universe. The most dominating thing is dark energy. That rips the universe into pieces. The main question is why energy that has no interaction can destroy the universe? 

Could there be the "sub-quarks" inside quarks? If that thing is true, the quarks would be mini-versions of protons and neutrons. But that thing is a pure hypothesis. 

If energy interacts, it must raise the particle's energy level. Or change its position. So how wave motion that has no interaction can rip the universe into pieces? That thing requires interaction. And that means there could be some, still unknown particle. That particle X should interact with dark energy. And that is the thing that moves particles away from each other.

So could there be some kind of sub-quarks in the quarks? Could quark be a similar particle with protons and neutrons? But the size of those sub-particles would be smaller. And could the gluons be the electrons of those hypothetical non-elementary quarks? 

The next things are at least statistically wrong, but there is the possibility that we can ever confirm those things. And honestly, in some of those cases, there are not even models that can explain those things. 

1) Steady-state of the universe 

The cosmic inflation along with cosmic expansion show that theories of a stable universe are wrong. This thing is clear. Only alternation in the universe is stable. 

2) Our universe will someday collapse. 

The fact is that we don't know the geometrical form of the universe. And we don't know the ultimate fate of the universe. But the probability that expansion continues forever is 2/3. Only the ball-shaped universe can collapse. 

The thing is that dark matter can form a ball outside the universe. But then the fact is that we cannot at least easily measure the real form of the universe. The reason for that is that we are in the universe. 

3) The hot Big Bang began from a singularity. 

The fact is that nobody knows where the materials that form the universe came from. One of the theories is that there was some kind of black hole. That black hole could be one of the explanations for the beginning of the universe. 

But the fact is that time before the Big Bang is a mystery. The ball-shaped structure that we can see is only a little part of the universe. And the singularity will just transfer the final question: where does the universe come from? The existence of the singularity requires that there was some kind of black hole. 

4) The speed of gravitation is infinity fast. 

Nothing can travel infinite fast. There are always limits on the speed. The fact is that all particles and wave motion can travel at the same speed. But that thing is possible only in black holes. And if theoretical wormholes are existing all particles can travel in that channel. Also, WARP-bubbles are making it possible that all the particles can travel at the same speed as photons. 

The wormhole is the channel-form electromagnetic vacuum or WARP channel that connects two points in the universe. The energy that can make this channel where is no electromagnetic fields is huge. 

And there is the possibility that the WARP channels or wormholes are the channels that are surrounded by electromagnetic radiation. That high-power wave motion that is like tape around the wormhole denies that the outer-size wave motion cannot affect to particles that travel in it. 

In that channel, all particles and wave motion are traveling at the same speed. But nothing can travel with infinite speed. 

5) Dark matter is "normal matter" that is invisible. 

Sometimes is introduced that dark matter is "simply" the energy state of matter. When the energy quantum impacts some particle, that particle takes that energy load to its quantum field. When energy stress ends. The material will release that extra energy in the form of wave motion. That wave motion continues until the material and its environment reach the same energy level. 

The idea of this theory is simple. The matter wobbles between dark and visible states. But that theory has never been very popular. In most of the theories, dark matter is the stable form of matter. But the thing is that the form of the dark matter remains a mystery until it's captured. 

Dark matter is more than just normal material that is invisible. The dark matter doesn't react. So is dark matter normal matter at all? Dark matter consists of about 85% of the universe. And if we think that the majority of the material is dark matter because only 15% of the material is visible or causes a detectable reaction. That thing has caused theories that dark matter can be free gluons. 

Or it can be the source of dark energy. In some other theories, the black holes are claimed to the dark matter. The idea could be that dark matter is just black holes that are too massive.  But those things are only theories. Dark matter is the gravitational effect.

Chinese scientists created a brain scale model by using 174 trillion parameters.

This type of artificial intelligence is one of the biggest steps in computing. And that thing can have a bigger effect than people ever think. We always believed that computers cannot fully emulate human brains, because we have over 100 billion neurons. And each neuron has about 3 connections. Brins have 300 billion neuron states. In real life, neurons have much more connections than just 3. One neuron can have even hundreds of connections. And the number one is only for the calculative reasons. 

The neuron connections play a big role when neurons interconnect their information. Each neuron in our body can model to parameters. And that means the artificial brains can be real sooner than we ever think.

The very large, size of networking and many connections are making it possible. That neurons can interconnect with each other. So they can reconnect their information in multiple ways. And that means the person has much more neural space than the number of neurons. The ability to interconnect information creates virtual neurons in the human brain. That means the brain can have more than 300 billion neural states. The neuron has so many states as it has connections. 

That information contains the skills that we all have. Sometimes there is told that human brains have 300 billion neurons. That's the number of neurons in the entire human nervous system. The reason why I use the number 300 billion is that the role of the neurons in human life is also very big. 

Things like the spinal cord also play a big role in reflexes. We can learn any kind of movement series and store that thing in our spinal cord. That thing happens when the person just repeats the movements many times. The movement series can be the karate kick. Or it can be the movement series that is used for clock making. 

And another thing is that we know that in the thinking process also neurons. Outside human brains interact with brains. And their role in abstract thinking is a mystery. But we know that things like being hungry can suspend when a person feels that something that is happening is more important than eating. That thing is what we see when we are looking at people who have a great passion for their work. Sometimes people like painters are forgetting to eat and drink. And they fall to the ground. 

That thing tells us that there is the possibility that this thing tells that also other parts of the nervous system are playing a bigger role in thinking and creation than we ever expected. The reason why those people forget to eat and drink can be the reason that those neurons that normally handle things like hunger and thirst are doing some other actions. 

The AI of tomorrow can have imagination. 

-Real observation is the same as observing the real and concrete information. 

-Imagination is handling virtual information. 

-Productive thinking is connecting virtual information with real information. 

The imagination can describe as an ability to interconnect databases that involve virtual information. Productive thinking means the ability to connect real data with virtual data. The ability to interconnect the memories from the neurons is making the virtual creatures in the human brain. 

So we can think that imagination is a distortion of the information that is stored in human brains. When we are thinking about the bird, we must understand that different neurons are handling certain parts of the image of the bird. That means the neuron that is handling the image of the body can connect the image of the box to that image. And that means the brains have an image of the bird. 

That has the box in the place of the head. That thing happens by connecting two images. If that thing seems interesting or important brains can reserve a new memory block for that virtual image which is called the product of the information. 

But let's go back to the algorithms. 

The human nervous system doesn't use all neurons at the same time for one purpose. Some neurons are reserved for replacing the destroyed neurons. But the problem with brain damage is that memory marks that are stored in those cells are gone forever. 

When our brains are working with some problems the other part of the nervous system is handling other things. That means we can make an algorithm that can learn some special things faster than humans. By using AI and quantum computers is possible to create an AI program that has 300 billion data handling units. And maybe the AI of tomorrow can have an imagination. 

The imagination can describe as connecting virtual information to one entirety. So in fact, we can make a computer or program that has imagination simply by using the databases that involve virtual information. This is one version to make a machine that has imagination. AI imagines that it can connect real and virtual data.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Dark energy and gravitational waves can have a similar origin.

Could the origin of dark energy and gravitational waves be similar? The gravitational waves are energy that two particles that orbit each other send. So the origin of dark energy can be in the gluons and quarks. That is orbiting some kind of center in the protons and neutrons. 

That center could be the tensor tunnel called the mysterious graviton. And those gluons and quarks that orbit this hypothetical tensor tunnel can be a source of dark energy. But the question is what particle sends that mysterious wave motion that rips the universe into pieces. Is it quark, gluon, or some, yet unknown particle? 

Dark energy is an invisible wave motion that doesn't interact with the material. That mystery force rips the universe into pieces but it doesn't interact in other ways. So dark energy doesn't transfer energy to the material and that makes it a mystery. How does dark energy work, and what is its essence? The essence of dark energy could be similar to gamma- or X-ray. But in this time the dark energy tunnels itself through the protons and neutrons. 

There is a possibility that this mystery energy or wave motion tunnels itself through the quarks and gluons. So could the origin of dark energy be in free gluons? Gluons are the particles that are connecting quarks in the entireties called protons and neutrons. The strong force or strong interaction is the interaction between gluon and quark.

Gluons are mediators of strong interaction. But dark energy has caused a question: is there a particle between gluon and quark? If particle X exists, it could be the source of dark energy. 

The thing is that the origin of all wave motion is the particle. The wavelength of the wave motion is always the same. As the size of the particle that sends the wave motion. The wavelength of the radiation uncovers its sender. 

So if dark energy has so short a wavelength that it can tunnel itself through the quarks and even gluon it must have a very small source. The reason why gamma-ray has so high energy level is that very small particle sends it. Particles send radiation when the energy stress ends. And particle attempts to get energy stability which means it attempts to reach the same energy level as its environment. So radiation or wave motion is the energy pulse that a particle sends. 

The small-size particles must send energy pulses more often than large-size particles that we can detect those pulses. And the energy level of those pulses must be very high so that they can interact with other particles. Or, otherways saying cause visible interaction to other particles that are far larger than the sender particle of short wave radiation. 

The interaction is that the impacting wave motion increases the energy level of the particle. And if the size of the sender particle is far smaller than the receiving particle. The increase in the energy level is hard to detect. 

Are superstrings in the form of the power lines of the magnetic fields of planets? That requires that particles have north and south poles. But what can make this N/S structure? 

Are quarks and gluons in orbit at the center of the protons and neutrons? When those particles are rotating something in the middle of a proton or neutron they send wave motion. So, could that wave motion be the dark energy? Or some form of dark energy. 

If graviton is tensor the protons and neutrons are the quark groups that are orbiting the stick-looking structure. If graviton is a tunnel-looking structure. In that tensor tunnel, one side is at a lower energy level than the other it pulls energy to it. 

That energy pulls the quarks and gluons around it. And if those particles are moving they would conduct energy outside that structure. And the origin of the dark energy could be in the gluons and quarks. That orbit the center of the protons or neutrons. 

So how the wave motion can tunnel itself through the quarks or protons and neutrons? The thing is that the particle that we see is a quantum field. Or rather saying it could be the series of the parallel quantum flashes of lightning or superstrings. If superstrings (quantum wires) are in the form of parallel wires the wave motion can move them sideways away from their road. 

But that thing requires that there is some kind of thing that connects those lightning in the form that they are orbiting the center of the particles in the N/S direction. That thing requires that particles must have north and south poles. And those superstrings are acting as power lines of planets. 

See also:

Dark energy

Fundamental forces



The standard model of physics

The gravitational-wave jammer can make real antigravitation possible.

If researchers can someday make synthetic gravitational waves in the laboratory, that thing can be the most fundamental research result in history. The ability to make synthetic gravitational waves makes the possibility to jam gravitational waves. That system can make real antigravitation possible. 

Gravitational waves can jam similar way to all other wave motions: and that method is the counter gravitational waves. The counter-gravitational waves erase incoming gravitational waves just like radio-jammer erases incoming radio waves. 

Gravitational waves are wave motion. Like all other wave motions. And gravitational waves act like all other wave-motion frequencies. If another gravitational wave will impact an incoming gravitational wave with the same power. The gravitation counter waves erase each other. The idea is the same with electromagnetic- or normal wave motion. 

The synthetic gravitational waves can make by using two neutrons (or some other particle pair like positronium). That is an extremely high energy level. Those particles will put to orbit each other at a powerful energy level. Then those particles send gravitational waves which you can see from the demonstration above this text. 

When a counterwave hits an incoming wave with the same power. Those waves destroy each other. This is the idea of the counter-wave stealth. That system sends the counter waves against radar, and every time wave motion faces incoming wave motion. It transfers energy to that wave. 

So every impacting wave pulls energy away from the incoming wave. And there is a lower energy level left that hits the target. And that thing denies reflection because the incoming wave loses its energy whenever travels through the counterwave. 

Counterwave erases the incoming wave because it pulls energy out of it. Same way when gravitation waves impact the weaker of those waves pulls energy away from a stronger gravitational wave.



The fastest-growing black hole in the universe is a mystery. 

The black hole that eats material weighing one Earth per second is a real monster. That black hole's location is very far away from the Sun. And it has powered ultra-bright quasar for 9 billion years. The brightness of that black hole is 7000 times brighter than all stars in Milky Way. 

The black hole grows because there is no way to take the material away from it. The thing is that the brightness of the black hole J1144–4308 is the reason for the growth of the event horizon. When a black hole grows. Its event horizon will travel through its material disk. The event horizon is the point where escaping velocity will reach the speed of light. When the event horizon grows it is going through the particle. 

And the energy level of that particle rises to an extremely high level. There is the possibility, that at that moment the particle takes superposition and entanglement with some other particle. And that energy that travels between those particles forms a small size white hole.

So if we think that the hypothetical wormhole is the thing, that denies the expansion of the black hole. The reason why black holes are expanding is that they would not have that energy channel. The universe is full of black holes. And some of them are expanding. And some of them are not. 

And if the J1144–4308 is extremely bright. There is the possibility that its environment is at too high an energy level and that thing denies that the wormhole can connect to it. So there is a possibility that the miniature white holes around that black hole push wormholes away from it. The only possible route away from the black hole is from the hypothetical wormhole. 

So if a black hole sends radiation that has too high an energy level. That means that even gravitational waves cannot touch that object. Gravitational waves are one version of wave motion. And if the object sends counter gravitational waves. 

Those gravitational waves are acting like radio waves or any other wave motion. The counter gravitational waves can erase the incoming gravitational waves. As radar jammers do. Or the dominating source of the gravitational waves can turn other gravitational waves away from the object.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Researchers found the exotic state of matter "tetraneutron".

"Scientists have announced the experimental discovery of a tetraneutron, a new and exotic state of matter that could also have properties that are useful in existing or emerging technologies." (SciTechDaily/Experimental Discovery of a Tetraneutron – An Exotic State of Matter)

Tetraneutron is a state of matter that has four neutrons in its structure. That state of matter has finally been confirmed in the laboratory. And the confirmation of the existence of tetraneutron can be more fundamental than we ever expected. It can use to move single neutrons in structures. And it can open the road to new quantum materials.

Quantum materials are similar to nanomaterials. But things like neutrons are forming those structures. Neutrons are promising things for that kind of material.  Quantum materials are similar to nanomaterials. But things like neutrons are forming those structures. Neutrons are promising things for that kind of material. They are bipolar particles that make it possible to connect them by benefiting their poles. 

This thing allows us to make the things like neutron fullerene. In neutron, fullerene neutrons form a similar structure that carbon is forming in fullerene. And theoretically, neutrons can form similar nanotube structures with carbon. That thing allows for the creation of quantum-size machines. Which are even more impressive than nanomachines.

Tetraneutron can open the road to new fundamental materials. Neutrons are bipolar particles. That means there is the possibility to connect them from their poles. If the layer is covered by using a neutron layer. That thing makes it extremely hard. Theoretically is possible to create similar structures that carbon makes in diamonds by using the neutrons. The neutron diamonds are only one thing, that the neutrons can make. If the neutrons can connect freely. That thing makes it possible to create new fundamental quantum materials. 

The neutron stars are the hardest objects in the universe. They are formed of pure neutrons. Neutron stars are given inspiration for one of the hardest possible materials in the universe. There is theoretically possible to cover layers by using one or two neutron layers. And that thing would make the "neutron painting" that is the hardest in the world. Nothing can come through that neutron layer. 

The quantum materials are actually like nanomaterials. But in those materials, the atoms are replaced by using subatomic particles like neutrons and quarks. If we are thinking about the neutron fullerene and neutron nanotubes those structures can make it possible to create unbreakable materials. 

The tetraneutrons can be used in the scanning tunneling microscopes as the scanner antenna. The problem with the regular scanning tunneling microscopes is that they see only layers of the object. They cannot see inside the 3D atomic structure. The scanning tunneling microscopes that are sending neutron radiation can see inside the 3D structures. 

The tetraneutron makes it possible to create new quantum materials and new quantum observation tools. One of those systems is the scanning tunneling microscope that uses a tetraneutron as a stylus. That thing makes it possible to make the scanning tunneling microscope. That makes it possible to hover neutron between the layer and the stylus. That system makes it possible to create a quantum billiard stick that moves single neutrons in space. 

The tetraneutron can use to create very accurate neutron radiation. That neutron radiation can make it possible to move single neutrons in space. And that ability makes it possible to create things like neutron diamonds and neutron fullerene along with neutron nanotubes. 

If the scanning tunneling microscope uses neutrons as the scanner element that opens the road to observe the nucleus of the atoms. But tetraneutrons can open the road to even more fascinating systems. And one of those systems is the neutron maser. The neutron maser forms coherent neutron radiation. That system can use to destroy the single atoms from molecules. Or very accurate X- or gamma-ray microscopes. 

Neutrons can connect to chains. And if the electromagnetic radiation will impact those neutrons they can aim it. When electromagnetic radiation stresses neutron it stores that extra energy in its quantum field. When energy stress ends neutron release that extra energy as neutron radiation. This thing makes the neutron bomb so effective. The tetraneutrons can use the same way to send the neutron radiation. That thing makes it possible to create the most accurate X- or gamma-ray systems in the world.

Narrow corridor in our life. (Narrow Corridor Part 2)

Our life is like a narrow corridor. There is a line. And at the sides of that line are rooms. The line or great room between those rooms is the life itself. In that room is the beginning. And the final door is waiting for us. The greatest paradox in life is that the only certain thing in that corridor is the end. The length of that corridor is not described. 

So we know only that there is an end. In that corridor, we can only make choices that are allowed by law. If we want to stay free. In the real world, there is no absolute freedom. When somebody takes too much freedom that takes the person to jail.

The beginning of that corridor is the birth. And the door that is opposite to us is the death. The rooms at the sides of that corridor are points where we spend some time in our life. Those rooms are schools, marriage, and other things that are connecting with our life. In every single room is two doors. And when we are stepping into those rooms we will step out from them. 

The reason why I say that life is like a corridor is that we ever have free will to make choices. We can select things like high education but it takes something away. But we can select the life of an uneducated person. And that also takes something from our life. There is the possibility that we are easier to hire. But we are also easier to kick out of a job. So the corridor is like the route or line. 

When we are finishing elementary school we choose the line. And believe me, there is no perfect choice in our life. When we are stepping into those rooms around that corridor we don't know what is in that room. We know that there is something that affects us. Those rooms can be positive, like education. Or they can be negative, like being in prison.

Being in prison is like the fine ring. It spends time. And the corridor of life has a limit. When a person has been 10 years in prison, there is no way to get those years back. The thing is that life might seem clear, but it's full of surprises. Disappointment can turn into wonderful happiness. The person who has been so-called zero can turn to somebody. 

There is a possibility that the person who ever spoke with anybody invented the new natural law. Or the nerd from the back seat invents the new type of artificial intelligence. Or person who ever learns to program writes some philosophical bestseller and becomes a new literature version of Andy Warhol the cult person whose autograph queued. And whose ideas are repeated time after time? Those things might feel great. Or that's what I think. 

Narrow corridor in democracy.

When you are the leader of the company. All that is needed is to remember that the leader represents stakeholders. At the national level, the leader represents the people. But then we must understand that the term "people" means different things. The problem is that benefit of a nation and its people might be different from what people want. The private company can kick their workers out. 

The state must take care of them until they get new work. But the state cannot kick people out. And even if the person ever pays taxes the state must take care of them. 

What if people want something, that is against the long-term benefit of the nation? The populists are the people who are promising short-term benefits. Things like refusing to pay back international loans can seem very nice things.

But the problem is this, who gives investments to a nation that will not pay back its loans? There is the possibility that the World Bank will not ask for those loans back. Then all other nations will want that they will get free money. And even in the case of the World Bank, there are limits on the money that this organization controls. Even the largest international organizations have limited resources. And the need for free resources and gifts is always without limits. 

The Narrow Corridor is a book that is telling about freedom and democracy. Democracy is like a narrow corridor where people must follow the laws or they are in trouble. The biggest threat to democratic institutions like freedom of speech and freedom to publish are people who misuse those rights. The paradox of democracy is that authoritarian organizations are protecting freedom.

But the worst threat to democracy is democracy itself. There are lots of nations in the world that are democratic. The power is in the hand of the majority.  But the majority is attacking the ethnic minorities.

Democracy is like a narrow corridor. If things like demonstrations are crushed by using a massive police force. That thing will drive the entire society to the path there is no return. When we think about a democratic government that cannot fulfill promises that thing causes demonstrations. But should the democratic government refuse to order new elections? 

Should it use police force in the case that it failed? Or otherways, how large-scale demonstrations should be needed, that the government should resign? There is always the possibility that the government says that there is only a couple of people on the streets. And the majority still supports its actions. 

In business life leaders of the groups are responsible only to the company's owners. In the private sector, the number of shares means who is a person, who controls the company. The directors of the companies operate between stakeholders and workers. 

The purpose of those directors is to act as a shield for the stakeholders. And director's mission is always to supervise the benefit of stakeholders. 

Groups and narrow corridor

We are always facing things that the leaders of the groups are making decisions. And everybody must follow those orders. The narrow corridor means that the henchmen have no freedom to do anything without following certain formulas. 

When we are putting it all on one card, that means we are putting everything into that project. When we are putting all our resources into some project or some choice, we have a very small possibility to take another course if something goes wrong. In economics, we can say that we have a narrow corridor. If something goes wrong we cannot take another route. So narrow corridor means that there is only one allowed way to act. 

Why do some people choose narrow corridors rather than wide corridors? 

The wide corridor means that the person who makes decisions is leaving the resources also for something else. The narrow corridor means that there is only one accepted way to act. If all resources are not put into supporting the goal. That means the profits would not be so high. In but same way the losses in the case of failure would be higher. 

One of the reasons why the controllers are not pulling back is that they must confess that project was not successful. So they want to put a little bit more resources into operation or project and then they hope that tomorrow that thing will turn successful. 

The narrow corridor means this. When a leader makes some kind of decision. That leader wants to make the thing. There is nobody who the leader must-hear. Advisors are advisors, but their pieces of advice are only advisory. And the leader must not follow them. 

The new quantum sensors can detect all electromagnetic frequencies.

"MIT researchers have developed a method to enable quantum sensors to detect any arbitrary frequency, with no loss of their ability to measure nanometer-scale features. Quantum sensors detect the most minute variations in magnetic or electrical fields, but until now they have only been capable of detecting a few specific frequencies, limiting their usefulness". Credit: Guoqing Wang ( sensor can detect electromagnetic signals of any frequency)

The key element in the input-output methods of the computer systems are sensors that can detect the signals that are traveling in the system. Without that part the system is useless. And the reason for that is the system cannot read data that travels in it. 

The quantum sensors that are like standing ion or photon fog can detect all electromagnetic frequencies at the same time. The idea is that when the ion or photon cloud hovers at the frame the electromagnetic radiation that travels through that cloud will affect the brightness of those particles. And the system observes the brightness of those quantum particles. 

That kind of quantum sensor can revolutionize communication and electronic intelligence. That thing makes it possible to follow jumping frequencies. The problem is how to separate certain signals? The GSM technology cuts the signal into pieces and in every piece is the code or IQ carrier that routes the data bites to the right devices. 

The power of GSM technology is that the system can send multiple messages at the same frequency. And the bites of that data will transfer to the right devices by using the carrier IQ. So the reconnaissance system can use computers to sort and connect the data bites to entireties. And then the system can simply use brute force to break the code of the messages. 

The quantum sensors can also use multiple particle clouds that are forming of photons, electrons, and protons. The idea of that system is that the communication system can change the group of particles that are used as oscillating components in oscillating circuits. 

That system allows transforming wave motion to qubit quite easily. The idea is that protons are resonating with other protons. And the electrons are causing resonance with other electrons. That kind of system makes it possible that some kind of qubits can send in long distances. Or that kind of system is making communication faster.

Friday, June 24, 2022

The artificial language of AI is interesting.

The operator can use a pocket interpreter to command computers and robots. That translator can translate the spoken language to a synthetic language like Esperanto or Volapük. 

Those languages can use to command robots. The problem is how the robot can separate commands that are meant for it from other speech. And synthetic languages can offer a solution to those kinds of problems. 

When the robot is operating in a noisy shopping center.  And it should follow the voice commands. The problem is that there is a lot of speech in that area. The robot should separate the commands meant for it from other discussions. And one version of how to make that thing is to use Esperanto or Volapük as command language. People are not using those synthetic languages for everyday communication. And that makes them perfect for commanding robots. 

The system would be easy to separate commands from other speech. If the operator gives commands to it using Esperanto. The operator can give commands by using a regular translation tool. In the pocket interpreting machine will just increase the Esperanto or Volapük. And the operator can use the pocket interpreter for commanding robots. 

And that is why researchers are interested in synthetic languages like Esperanto. Synthetic languages are easier to use for commanding things, like robots in public places than so-called natural languages. The computer is easier to separate commands that are meant to it from the other speech if they are given by using Esperanto or Volapük than using English or some other language. 

AI has developed a new spoken language. The new synthetic language is different than any other spoken language. This kind of language can use in the communication between robots. But when humans are interacting with humans. There is needed some kind of language that's easy for the speaker. The robot can speak English. But when the commander gives commands the robot must separate those commands from other speech. And one version is to use some synthetic languages.  

In history, there were two synthetic languages that language specialists developed seriously. Those languages were Esperanto and Volapük. Those famous languages were synthetic that had nothing to do with the cultural environment where natural languages are born. If the commands to computers are given using Esperanto it's easier to separate commands from other speech-like discussions of the workers. 

But why the synthetic languages needed in computing? The fact is that if we want to give commands to computers by using speech. The computer must separate the commands. That meant to it from other speech. And that's why synthetic languages are better than spoken languages. 

The fact is that programming languages are all synthetic. Famous programming languages C, C++, Java, and Python are also languages. They are used for making programs. Those languages are "quite easy" to write. But they are hard to speak because they involve symbols that are not letters or numerals. 

Those programming languages are fast and easy to write, but the problem is that they are different than spoken languages. Programmers must learn the new grammar and that thing takes time. The researchers make lots of work to create the programming and commanding languages that are easy to learn. 

When researchers are developing commanding languages for robots they must realize. That person who is giving commands might have bad argumentation. Or they might have some kind of speech defect. That kind of thing must be noticed when the voice commands are given to robots or computers. 

The thing is that the computers can calibrate the system and customize it for every single user separately. In that kind of technology, the person who gives commands to robots would first command virtual characters on the screen. When the character makes something it might ask, "was this OK"?  

If the character made the right things. The user must just accept the operation. And it will be driven to the robots. In that case, the robot will use macros to make things. That its controllers want.

The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...